
Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Sebuah pesawat Boeing 738 mengalami kecelakaan ketika mendarat di bandara Rostov-on-Don di selatan Rusia, menurut Pusat Darurat Regional Selatan Rusia pada Sabtu (19/3).

Dilansir CNN, dari kantor berita Rusia, Tass, semua penumpang dan kru yang ada di dalam pesawat tewas.

Peseta maskapai Flydubai dengan nomor penerbangan 981 itu terbang dari Dubai ke Rostov-on-Don dengan 55 penumpang dan kru.

Kantor berita Sputnik News melaporkan bahwa bandara tersebut akan ditutup hingga pukul 06.00 pagi waktu setempat.

"Kami mengetahui adanya laporan dari Rusia dan tim kami saat ini sedang mengumpulkan lebih banyak detail," cuit Boeing Airlines di Twitter mereka. (stu)

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas
ROSTOV NA DONU – Pusat layanan darurat Rusia menerima laporan adanya kecelakaan pesawat komersial di Bandara Rostov-Na-Donu. Pesawat jenis Boeing 738 itu mengalami kecelakaan saat melakukan pendaratan.

Seperti diwartakan Daily Mail, Sabtu (19/3/2016), pesawat milik maskapai FlyDubai tersebut mengalami kecelakaan saat melakukan pendaratan yang kedua kalinya karena buruknya jarak pandang di bandara. Bola api tercipta dari lokasi kecelakaan.

Pesawat itu diyakini memiliki nomor penerbangan FZ981 dan terbang dari Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab. Sedikitnya 59 orang yang berada di dalam pesawat dilaporkan tewas. Menurut keterangan otoritas setempat, pesawat tergelincir sejauh 50–100 meter dari landasan pacu.

Rekaman video dari FlightRadar24 menunjukkan pesawat sempat coba melakukan pendaratan sebelum pilot menyatakan mengalami kendala. Pesawat sempat mengitari bandara untuk coba melakukan pendaratan kedua kali sebelum mengalami kecelakaan.


(CNN)A passenger jet circled a southern Russian airport in high winds and poor visibility, then crashed on a second landing attempt early Saturday, killing all 62 people aboard.

The flydubai Boeing 737 jet crashed at the Rostov-on-Don airport after traveling from Dubai.

All those on board died, authorities said.

Officials believe bad weather, which kept the plane from reattempting landing for more than two hours, likely caused the crash. They ruled out terrorism as a possibility.

Russia's investigation into the crash will take about two months, investigative committee spokeswoman Oksana Kovrizhnaya said, as reported by state-run Sputnik News.

"But [the investigation] could be prolonged because of the inspections' duration," Kovrizhnaya added. He said the three potential causes being considered are technical issues, severe weather and human error.

Psychologists on scene

The jet was carrying 55 passengers and seven crew members when it crashed, Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov said.

It was scheduled to land at 1:20 a.m. (6:20 p.m. ET), but went down at 3:50 a.m. (8:50 p.m. ET), he said.
[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

The airport is closed, and medics and psychologists are on standby to assist family members, he said.

About 700 people are involved in the rescue operation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations said. The crash site is 800 feet (243 meters) from the airport runway, it said.
[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

The plane's pilot circled the airport, waiting for the weather to clear before making a second attempt to land, but the aircraft's tail had clipped the runway, it said.

State media reported winds of 97 kph (60 mph) at the time of the crash.

Workers at the crash scene have both of the plane's flight data recorders and one of two voice recorders, state-run Ria Novosti reported.

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

Flydubai flight FZ981 has crashed in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don killing all 62 passengers and crew on board. The flight was en route from Dubai and crashed during a landing approach.

Air-traffic control and local emergency services confirmed that the Boeing 737-800 jet crashed near the runway during a second approach in conditions of poor visibility.

“According to preliminary data, the Boeing 738 crashed in poor visibility conditions, some 50-100 meters left of the runway,” the source said.

“The plane, according to preliminary data, crashed during the second approach,” the source told Interfax.

All crew and passengers on board the plane were killed in the crash, according to the regional Emergencies Ministry. According to preliminary reports there were 62 people on board, including seven crew members.

“During the landing approach a Boeing-737 crashed. It had 55 passengers on board. All of them died,” a regional spokesman told TASS.

Another source told RIA that all passengers on board were Russians, while the flight crew consisted of foreigners.

CCTV camera footage posted on YouTube claims to have captured the moment of the explosion as the aircraft impacted the ground. However, its authenticity could not be immediately verified.

Emergency crews are working at the scene of the crash and have already put out the fire, according to a TASS source.

The airport is to remain closed until at least 9:00am Moscow time. As a result at least six flights have been delayed, two of which were supposed to leave for St. Petersburg, while the others were due to arrive in Moscow. The inbound flights are getting rerouted to Krasnodar.

According to a LifeNews source, the plane failed to land at the first approach and was forced to make a reentry. However, at this point the aircraft's tail allegedly hit the ground. The Boeing then crashed and caught fire.

Flydubai confirmed that they are aware of an “incident involving our flight FZ981 from Dubai to Rostov On Don.”

“We are investigating further details and will publish an update once more information is available,” the airline added.

The Emergencies Ministry has opened up a hotline while a team of psychologists has been sent to help the grieving relatives.

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas
A Flydubai passenger jet crashed as it was landing at Rostov-on-Don Airport in southern Russia according to reports citing Russia’s Southern Regional Emergency Center.

All passengers on board are reportedly killed in the crash, CNN reported, citing Russian state news agency Tass. Tass cited an official at the emergency center.

Flydubai Flight 981 had traveled from Dubai to Rostov-on-Don with 55 people aboard, the emergency center said, according to Tass and CNN.


8.35 am: Survivors were unlikely in the Flydubai plane crash at the Rostov-on-Don airport in southern Russia, based on preliminary estimates, a representative of the region’s emergency ministry said on Saturday.
8.00 am: Ruptly posted CCTV footage of the crash

Sabotase teroris / cia ??

Cuaca buruk juga bisa dimanipulasi pake HAARP. Tau sendiri amerika benci bgt ama rusia
Quote:Original Posted By kodok.jigong
Sabotase teroris / cia ??

kurang tau gan, denger2 karna cuaca buruk, soalnya pendaratan pertama, pesawat nya melakukan go around (situasi dimana pesawat melakukan pembatalan pendaratan dan memutar lagi buat mendarat) karna cuaca tidak stabil
waktu pendaratan ke-2, gagal, tergelincir/jatuh saya kurang tau gan gan, di rekaman cctv keliatan pesawatnya terbakar, lalu meledak
Turut Berduka

Itu Pesawat dari Dubai ke mana ?
Quote:Original Posted By indonesiapeopl
Turut Berduka

Itu Pesawat dari Dubai ke mana ?

ke Bandara Rostov-Na-Donu
Quote:Original Posted By digfx

ke Bandara Rostov-Na-Donu

Btw, itu Bandara lokasinya deket Ukraina ( yg lagi konflik )
mungkn isinya tentara russia yang pulang kampung sehabis membantai di syria..
Quote:Original Posted By kodok.jigong
Sabotase teroris / cia ??

illuminati gan keknya
Update TS:
No Penerbangan: FZ981
Dari: Dubai (DXB)- Rostov-on-Don (ROV)
2,807 km

STD: 08:45 PM
ATD: 09:37 PM
STA: 01:20 AM
All Time in UTC

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

Statement from FlyDubai:
Update 2:
flydubai regrets to confirm that flight FZ981 crashed on landing and that fatalities have been confirmed as a result of this tragic accident. The aircraft departed from Dubai International (DXB) at 18:20 GMT bound for Rostov on Don (ROV). The accident occurred in Rostov on Don at approximately 00:50 GMT.

We are doing all we can to gather information as quickly as possible. At this moment our thoughts and prayers are with our passengers and our crew who were on board the aircraft.

We will do everything we can to help those who have been affected by this accident.

We are putting our emergency response in place and we will be working closely with all the authorities involved. We will share as much information as possible just as soon as we can and we will provide updated information on a regular basis.
For any concerned friends or family: + 44 203 4508 853 or +9714 293 4100.
For media enquiries: +1 407 205 1813
For media enquiries (Arabic Only): +971 52 517 4642
Quote:Original Posted By digitalart.2
mungkn isinya tentara russia yang pulang kampung sehabis membantai di syria..

membantai wirog ya
Quote:Original Posted By kodok.jigong
Sabotase teroris / cia ??

Makanya baca dulu beritanya!

Pesawatnya 2x melakukan percobaan landing. Yg pertama gagal, yg kedua celaka, tergelincir keluar landasan. Jarak pandang terbatas krn cuaca berkabut.
Quote:Original Posted By digitalart.2
mungkn isinya tentara russia yang pulang kampung sehabis membantai di syria..

Tepat sekali, itu azab dari Allah SWT untuk maskapai Fly Dubai milik pemerintah Dubai.
Karena mengangkut tentara kafir Rusia liburan ke Dubai sebelum pulang kampung.
Quote:Original Posted By indonesiapeopl
Update TS:
No Penerbangan: FZ981
Dari: Dubai (DXB)- Rostov-on-Don (ROV)
2,807 km

STD: 08:45 PM
ATD: 09:37 PM
STA: 01:20 AM
All Time in UTC

[BREAKING NEWS] Pesawat Flydubai Kecelakaan di Rusia, 61 Orang Tewas

Statement from FlyDubai:
Update 2:
flydubai regrets to confirm that flight FZ981 crashed on landing and that fatalities have been confirmed as a result of this tragic accident. The aircraft departed from Dubai International (DXB) at 18:20 GMT bound for Rostov on Don (ROV). The accident occurred in Rostov on Don at approximately 00:50 GMT.

We are doing all we can to gather information as quickly as possible. At this moment our thoughts and prayers are with our passengers and our crew who were on board the aircraft.

We will do everything we can to help those who have been affected by this accident.

We are putting our emergency response in place and we will be working closely with all the authorities involved. We will share as much information as possible just as soon as we can and we will provide updated information on a regular basis.
For any concerned friends or family: + 44 203 4508 853 or +9714 293 4100.
For media enquiries: +1 407 205 1813
For media enquiries (Arabic Only): +971 52 517 4642

tolong sumbernya juga dicantumin gan
another LCC
Penumpangnya ga full
Turut berduka
Prey for rusia?
Palingan gak jauh2 dari poor CRM penyebabnya
RIP to the victims
wew serem...
anjir kaget ane, ada notif di hp ane muncul berita ginian.... semoga keluarga korban diberi ketabahan deh
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