Inilah bukti keberanian dari para fotografer untuk mengabadikan keindahan kehidupan liar di afrika. Jadi kalau agan belum sempat untuk berkunjung ke afrika foto-foto closed up berikut bisa membantu agan untuk membayangkan keindahan afrika. TS sendiri sudah pernah berkunjung ke Nigeria dan kehidupan disana itu antara indah dan tidak indah. Alam liarnya begitu indah tapi manusianya bisa dibilang tidak indah karena terlalu banyak konflik dan juga tingkat pendidikan yang sangat rendah. tanpa panjang lebar silahkan menyaksikan keindahan foto-foto di TKP.

While on Safari in Africa, the photographer snapped a shot of this female leopard up in a tress and in heat. The male approached on the ground, but she “made an even louder racket and let out a loud bark at him.” So the male turned away and sauntered off. She jumped down and followed him. Photo #1 by Steve Jurvetson

Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Africa, is renowned as perhaps the best wildlife reserve in Africa due to its density of predators and prey. People come from all over the world to watch the annual migration of over 1.5 million white-bearded wildebeest and 250,000 zebras. This male lion is relaxing on a rock, soaking up some sun. Photo #2 by William Warby

Dueling zebras, fighting it out at the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, Africa. Photo #3 by William Warby

These Elephants were seen during a safari at Kruger National Park which is one of the largest game reserves in Africa. It covers 18,989 square kilometres (7,332 sq mi) and extends 360 kilometres (220 mi) from north to south and 65 kilometres (40 mi) from east to west. Photo #4 by Steve Evans

This giraffe was also at Kruger National Park, but this time the photographer noted, “Sometimes traffic gets a bit congested when you are on safari.” Photo #5 by Steve Evans

Cheetah seen on safari to Serengeti National Park in East Africa. Photo #6 by Stig Nygaard

Taken at another wildlife park in Africa: Tarangire National Park Safari – A Lion’s love story. Photo #7 by Marcel Oosterwijk

Zebra, Wildebeests and flamingos at Ngorongoro Conservation Area which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Tanzania. Photo #8 by Stig Nygaard

Lioness sitting next to a dead tree at Masai Mara. The Masai Mara National Reserve is a large game reserve in south-western Kenya, Africa. Photo #9 by Tambako the Jaguar

Giraffe standing among trees in Tsavo East National Park. This wildlife sanctuary is one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya, Africa. Photo #10 by Tambako the Jaguar

Serengeti National Park – Hippo in Ngorongoro Crater. Photo #11 by Geof Wilson

Rhino with baby – Kruger National Park, South Africa. Photo #12 by Violator1

Baby baboon seen on safari to Kruger National Park, Africa. Photo #13 by Steve Evans

During an African Safari, the photographer captured this shot and said, “Monsterious Crocodile, Kachikali, Bakau, Gambia.” Photo #14 by Kevin Walsh

Wildebeest, storks and pelicans as seen on safari at Tanzania. Photo #15 by Stig Nygaard

Male lion with his son, having a cuddly moment in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Photo #16 by Tambako the Jaguar

Ewww . . . Hyena scavenger. It’s a great safari capture by the photographer though. Photo #17 by Marcel Oosterwijk

Elephants in Ngorongoro Crater. Photo #18 by Geof Wilson

Remember that leopard in photo #1? This is what happened after the female in heat caught up with the male. Romance? According to the photographer, this is a “Leopard Mating Dance. Kicking up dust and sending grass flying.” Photo #19 by Steve Jurvetson

Lion as seen while on safari to Kruger National Park. Photo #20 by Steve Evans

Two vervet monkeys preening each other’s fur in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Photo #21 by William Warby

Hippos in Tanzania. Photo #22 by Stig Nygaard

Lion and Thomson’s Gazelles at the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Photo #23 by Stig Nygaard

Pumbaa? Where’s Timon? Warthog as seen during safari to Kruger National Park. Photo #24 by Steve Evans

Elephant as seen on south African safari. Photo #25 by Caitlan (TheLizardQueen)

Giraffes in Serengeti National Park. Photo #26 by Geof Wilson

Buffalo with a bird buddy catching a ride at Tanzania. Photo #27 by Stig Nygaard

Not Africa this time, but instead at one of the largest national parks in northern India. This tiger was seen on safari to Ranthambhore National Park which is among the most popular Tiger Reserves in India. Photo #28 by Koshy Koshy

Young male leopard in the jackal berry tree, as he was lit by the setting sun. Photo #29 by Steve Jurvetson

Elephants and baboons seen at Lake Manyara, near Tarangire National Park. Photo #30 by Marcel Oosterwijk

Buffalo and Elephant – Ngorongoro Crater. Photo #31 by Geof Wilson

Black-face Vervet Monkeys as seen on safari at Tanzania. Photo #32 by Stig Nygaard

The Last of the Mohicans’ – Painted Wolf (or African Wild Dog) is Africa’s most endangered carnivore. Photo #33 by Steve Jurvetson

Giraffe running in the plains of the Masai Mara National Reserve. Photo #34 by Tambako the Jaguar

Wildebeests and flamingos. Photo #35 by Stig Nygaard

Warthog family in South Africa. Photo #36 by Jacques S G

The lonely Wildebeest at Masai Mara. Photo #37 by Marcel Oosterwijk

Flashback to 1971, not Africa but California. The caption reads, “Lion Country Safari, Irvine, 1971.” Photo #38 by Orange County Archives

wo male lions lounging in the sun at Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Photo #39 by William Warby

aken at Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi National Park in Kenya, Africa. Photo #40 by Robert van der Steeg
Quote:Mohon bantuan untuk dikasih
dan juga
Note : TS maksud ane bukan diri ane, tp sang pengumpul foto, namanya robert van der steeg
While on Safari in Africa, the photographer snapped a shot of this female leopard up in a tress and in heat. The male approached on the ground, but she “made an even louder racket and let out a loud bark at him.” So the male turned away and sauntered off. She jumped down and followed him. Photo #1 by Steve Jurvetson
Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Africa, is renowned as perhaps the best wildlife reserve in Africa due to its density of predators and prey. People come from all over the world to watch the annual migration of over 1.5 million white-bearded wildebeest and 250,000 zebras. This male lion is relaxing on a rock, soaking up some sun. Photo #2 by William Warby
Dueling zebras, fighting it out at the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, Africa. Photo #3 by William Warby
These Elephants were seen during a safari at Kruger National Park which is one of the largest game reserves in Africa. It covers 18,989 square kilometres (7,332 sq mi) and extends 360 kilometres (220 mi) from north to south and 65 kilometres (40 mi) from east to west. Photo #4 by Steve Evans
This giraffe was also at Kruger National Park, but this time the photographer noted, “Sometimes traffic gets a bit congested when you are on safari.” Photo #5 by Steve Evans
Cheetah seen on safari to Serengeti National Park in East Africa. Photo #6 by Stig Nygaard
Taken at another wildlife park in Africa: Tarangire National Park Safari – A Lion’s love story. Photo #7 by Marcel Oosterwijk
Zebra, Wildebeests and flamingos at Ngorongoro Conservation Area which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Tanzania. Photo #8 by Stig Nygaard
Lioness sitting next to a dead tree at Masai Mara. The Masai Mara National Reserve is a large game reserve in south-western Kenya, Africa. Photo #9 by Tambako the Jaguar
Giraffe standing among trees in Tsavo East National Park. This wildlife sanctuary is one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya, Africa. Photo #10 by Tambako the Jaguar
Serengeti National Park – Hippo in Ngorongoro Crater. Photo #11 by Geof Wilson
Rhino with baby – Kruger National Park, South Africa. Photo #12 by Violator1
Baby baboon seen on safari to Kruger National Park, Africa. Photo #13 by Steve Evans
During an African Safari, the photographer captured this shot and said, “Monsterious Crocodile, Kachikali, Bakau, Gambia.” Photo #14 by Kevin Walsh
Wildebeest, storks and pelicans as seen on safari at Tanzania. Photo #15 by Stig Nygaard
Male lion with his son, having a cuddly moment in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Photo #16 by Tambako the Jaguar
Ewww . . . Hyena scavenger. It’s a great safari capture by the photographer though. Photo #17 by Marcel Oosterwijk
Elephants in Ngorongoro Crater. Photo #18 by Geof Wilson
Remember that leopard in photo #1? This is what happened after the female in heat caught up with the male. Romance? According to the photographer, this is a “Leopard Mating Dance. Kicking up dust and sending grass flying.” Photo #19 by Steve Jurvetson
Lion as seen while on safari to Kruger National Park. Photo #20 by Steve Evans
Two vervet monkeys preening each other’s fur in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Photo #21 by William Warby
Hippos in Tanzania. Photo #22 by Stig Nygaard
Lion and Thomson’s Gazelles at the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Photo #23 by Stig Nygaard
Pumbaa? Where’s Timon? Warthog as seen during safari to Kruger National Park. Photo #24 by Steve Evans
Elephant as seen on south African safari. Photo #25 by Caitlan (TheLizardQueen)
Giraffes in Serengeti National Park. Photo #26 by Geof Wilson
Buffalo with a bird buddy catching a ride at Tanzania. Photo #27 by Stig Nygaard
Not Africa this time, but instead at one of the largest national parks in northern India. This tiger was seen on safari to Ranthambhore National Park which is among the most popular Tiger Reserves in India. Photo #28 by Koshy Koshy
Young male leopard in the jackal berry tree, as he was lit by the setting sun. Photo #29 by Steve Jurvetson
Elephants and baboons seen at Lake Manyara, near Tarangire National Park. Photo #30 by Marcel Oosterwijk
Buffalo and Elephant – Ngorongoro Crater. Photo #31 by Geof Wilson
Black-face Vervet Monkeys as seen on safari at Tanzania. Photo #32 by Stig Nygaard
The Last of the Mohicans’ – Painted Wolf (or African Wild Dog) is Africa’s most endangered carnivore. Photo #33 by Steve Jurvetson
Giraffe running in the plains of the Masai Mara National Reserve. Photo #34 by Tambako the Jaguar
Wildebeests and flamingos. Photo #35 by Stig Nygaard
Warthog family in South Africa. Photo #36 by Jacques S G
The lonely Wildebeest at Masai Mara. Photo #37 by Marcel Oosterwijk
Flashback to 1971, not Africa but California. The caption reads, “Lion Country Safari, Irvine, 1971.” Photo #38 by Orange County Archives
wo male lions lounging in the sun at Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Photo #39 by William Warby
aken at Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi National Park in Kenya, Africa. Photo #40 by Robert van der Steeg
Quote:Mohon bantuan untuk dikasih
dan juga
Note : TS maksud ane bukan diri ane, tp sang pengumpul foto, namanya robert van der steeg
Rasanya gimana ya gan.. masuk ke sono.. ada rasa takut kah.. 
wah beraneka ragam macam hewan ya, monyetnya mana nih gan? pasti kabur di bawah ane
Ah elah cuman ginian doang,biasa aja
nge foto singa mungkin foto terakhirnya
i. kyknya kurang close up deh bray
ii. tolong bantu terjemahin ceritanya dong
iii. FYI Tanzania itu gabungan kata dari Tanganyika + Zanzibar
ii. tolong bantu terjemahin ceritanya dong
iii. FYI Tanzania itu gabungan kata dari Tanganyika + Zanzibar
Weeew, ajib banget gambarnya bray...itu aja dulu...
kalo dikejar leopard kalo manjat pohon tetep gak ngaruh ya
indah amet ye bang
biasa aja gan foto2nya
pilihin yg menarik2 aja lah biar gambarnya gk kebanyakan
pilihin yg menarik2 aja lah biar gambarnya gk kebanyakan
gimana fotonya tuh
kagak ad yg selpi tong
bagus buat dijadiin wallpaper lepi ini.
mantap fotonya,, klo beneran disono ngeri gan
Mending nntn NGC, jd keinget makhahulu, mr. T, kinky tail, (3 lg lupa namanya) 6 singa jantan pengembara afrika
Di ragunan banyak tuh
gimana foto nye tuh jarak sedeket itu binatang nye anteng" aje
pinter nih nyang njepret poto na
translate dulu bray
yah ini close up tp di zoom, coba close up gak pake zoom ya? bener2 didepannya 
woiii pake spoiler woiii
woiii pake spoiler woiii
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