
Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

[FR] Trail Run Jayagiri With Kaskus Runners, 14 Februari 2015

Hot Thread 6 Maret 2015

Halo kaskus,
Thread ini adalah Field Report dari trit [Invitation] Running with Kaskus Runners Bandung  (

Selintas tentang Kaskus Runners Bandung alias KR Bandung
Bermula dari Kaskus Runners  (, KR Bandung adalah kumpulan orang di Bandung dan sekitarnya, baik kaskuser maupun bukan kaskuser yang suka Running tapi terkumpul via kaskus, dan terorganisir secara mandiri. Thats it!!!

Lokasi trail run yang kami pilih adalah:
LHI Jayagiri Cikole milik perhutani

Kenapa jayagiri?
Jayagiri menyajikan pemandangan yang luar biasa bagus dan medan trail yang cukup menantang tapi tidak ekstrim. Jadi masih cocok buat pelari senang senang, yaaa kyk kita2 ini

Ok, it's time for Jayagiri Trail Run Field Report:
Jarak perjalanan kurang lebih 11km, dengan rute Gerbang Jayagiri, menuju Gunung Putri, dan dilanjutkan ke Gerbang Cikole.

Peserta Trail Run berkumpul di Gerbang Jayagiri jam 6:30 dan disambut cuaca cerah kota Lembang. Padahal kita sempet kuatir karena malem sebelumnya bandung dan sekitarnya diguyur hujan.

Spoiler for Gerbang Jayagiri:

Setelah beres urusan administrasi (tiket masuk rp.5rb), kita mulai perjalanan/perlarian.
Perlarian ini dipimpin sama Gerryresed n Redseatreasure yang memilih jalur jalan setapak di sebelah timur menjauh dari jalur utama. Supaya lebih seru katanya.
Benar aja, kita masuk ke jalan2 yang tingkat keseruannya pol abis.

Spoiler for Nanjak:

Satu kilometer pertama perubahan elevasi mungkin sekitar 350m. Bikin ngos2an.
Ada sedikit masalah di km 1.18 yang menyebabkan saya harus turun lagi ke gerbang jayagiri. Sementara rombongan lanjut ke perhentian pertama di km 2.2 dan menunggu disana.
Saya akhirnya bisa menyusul sekitar 20 menit kemudian.

Spoiler for Perhentian 1:

Narsis di perhentian pertama

Perjalanan dilanjutin lagi. Gerryresed n Redseatreasure kembali memilih jalur yang ga umum. Jalanan batu2 yang menuju ke jalur yang dipake sama motocross.
And, thanks to them! Jalurnya heboh!! Turunan, basah, dan konturnya kaya parit, efek dari sering terlewati roda2 motocross.
Kami jadi kaya anak kecil dikasih mainan baru, lari kesenengan, ketawa, teriak2, malu2in banget lah.
Saking senengnya, si win ampe kepleset, saya kejeblos di lumpur, gerry kepleset, dan ada yang sepatunya copot juga. Seru!!

Spoiler for Jalanan Lumpur:

Pada bingung siapa yang mau mulai lari duluan.

Perjalanan dari perhentian pertama sampe perhentian kedua di gunung putri tidak begitu terasa. Karena medan yang tersaji sangat memacu adrenalin. Padahal jaraknya lumayan +-5k.

Spoiler for Seru!!!:

Tiba di gunung putri. Kita istirahat sambil menikmati pemandangan kota lembang dari ketinggian.

Spoiler for Gunung Putri:

Di atas bukit yang ada monumennya itu kita ketemu sama rombongan atlet badminton dari Mutiara Cardinal Bandung.

Setelah cukup istirahat, kita lanjut sisa perjalanan dengan lari2 santai.
Dan setelah perjalanan selama 2:57:39 akhirnya kami sampai juga di gerbang cikole dengan selamat sentosa.

Kegiatan terlaksana sukses karena persiapan rute dari duo kapten Gerryresed n Redtseareasure yang cukup matang. Dan dibantu sama tim admin kr bandung yang terus memantau persiapan para peserta Trail Running.

Spoiler for Peserta: :

Peserta Trail:
1. Gerryresed  ( - Gerry
2. redseatreasure  ( - Vans
3. Nathagw  ( - Maul
4. mr.mozquito  ( - Huda
5. semester.ganjil  ( - Win
6. tonagger  ( - Sulton
7. temennya tonagger - Prima
8. aardvarkstudio  ( - Yudi
9. LookingForOkky  ( - Oki
10. camoiz  ( - Tarna
11. ryanprast  ( - Ryan
12. udincharles  ( - Ardi

From garmin:

Thanks to:
1. Kaskus Runners  (;
2. Kaskus Regional Bandung  (;
3. All members Kaskus Runners Bandung  (, baik yang ikut Trail Run maupun yang ga bisa ikut
karena berbagai sebab. You Rock!

Sampai jumpa lagi di Fun Trail Run berikutnya.
Spoiler for Galeri:

Spoiler for Duo Kapten:



Spoiler for Peristiwa Jatuhnya Kapten Win:

Spoiler for Video dari Mr.Mozquito:
Quote:Original Posted By mr.mozquito
videonya gan, cekidot
Quote:Original Posted By AardvarkStudio
Hey folks..Let me introduce myself first. My name's Yudi (Aardvarksudio). So last Saturday, I joined the trail run organized by everybody @ Kaskus Runner Bandung (KR Bandung)..That was my second trail run actually with KR Bandung. You could check the first trail run here  (

A Week Before
Some conversation was going really intense on the telegram (tele) about how to do this..There were some preparations involved to make the trail run succeed. Finding trail route that would be suitable for us was quite difficult I guess, since you know, that most of us were rookies. So thanks to Vans and Gerry that made this process of finding the easy but fun route was accomplished.

The trail run map of Jayagiri.

It was supposed to be covering 11 kms but something wrong happened with my gps

The Day Before D-Day.
The participants that confirmed to join were 20 runners, cmiiw. But some of them canceled due to some reasons and due to a running event happening at the same time in Bandung, the PacaRun something lol.

On tele, we kept reminding each other about what to take for the D-Day.
Maul and Okky said that we had to bring stuffs like hydrobag, gloves, raincoat, medicine, and bla..bla..
So I just took the bag and a bottle of water hahaha...those were stuffs said for me just too many *peace, but guys seriously don't underestimate this because like medicine was really crucial .

The bag that I took along but without the water bladder, just a bottle of water.

So the conversation on tele was going the end, we commited to load some carbos in before bed and we prayed to God that the d-day would be nice and bright.

The D-Day
I set the alarm but i woke up before it started even buzzing hahah, gotcha alarm!

I think that was 15 minutes before 5 am. So I got a quick prep, hustle and bustle. Checked briefly the tele, Ryan, the Pamengpeuk guy was already there at 05.30, and then Win and the rest of the KR Bandung members gathered at MC Donald Simpang Dago.
I, myself, rode my bike went straight to Jayagiri passing through Ciumbuleuit. What a cold breezy morning! Brrr

Arriving at the gate of Jayagiri, Maul and Tarna already sat down and started conversation, I parked my bike and joined in. Tarna, whom I thought was a Sundanese, actually not , He was Kalimantan born Javanese. Hahah name could be tricky. Meanwhile, Maul just showed us his new shoes bought from Okky, the Skecher for 350k. And He started doing a ballet dance hahah *just kidding
Good price though .

The team that departed from the McD finally got in. Saying hi, shaking hands or giving a high five and delivering some old jaded jokes were quite breaking the ice ..haha and we were ready to do some warm ups.

Hoo Ha Hoo Haa...and the warming up was done.

We took ourselves a picture in front of the gate, paid the ticket that costed Rp. 5.000.
and we started running with very very slow pace.

In front of Jayagiri Gate

The first kilometers, I thought the hard ones. The elevation was really rough. We started breathing heavily. a road runner was nothing here. Our euphoria suddenly turned sorrow and sadness hahah *crossing fingers.

We were waiting for Huda to catch up with us

But indeed, first kilometers just took its toll, Tarna had to stop and went back because he felt little bit unwell, so Maul just walked him back, while we kept running or I'd say walking. Tarna, you are still welcome brother in our next hangouts .

So we were waiting for Maul by a lodge. While Prima, Sulton's friend, showed us his cutting-edge gadget that was so called the GoPro. We were pretty impressed by that, or maybe was it just me Lol. So we took lots of selfies hahaha

Selfies were our top priority. See?

We ran on the rocky roads, somehow it could hurt your knees. We paid our attention to every step that we took.

Rocky roads

We decided to go different direction that had been decided I guess, because we passed a very narrow footstep road.

Choosing paths.

We passed some amazing views, while we enjoyed our journey.

In line.

Proud of ourselves with selfies

Another line in the bushes

We were finally on the top of the hill, It was like 360 degrees of a promising great scenery. We were amazed.

Bird's eye view

Kang Ardi and the rain cloud

We ended up our adventure by having a lunch together at Ayam Brebes..It was fun run today.

Vans was talking to God while waiting for the orders to come hahaha

Thank You.

Wuihh mantapp... td nya pengen ikutan
wah madep nih sayang ga ikutang

saran aja pic nya spoiler, beurat mang bwk aslina
mejeng dulu pejwan di FR CALON HT

sangat disesalkan sekali

saya ga kuat lumpat
sayangnya ane sekolah jadi ga bisa ikut
Bang bukan redtreasure tp redseatreasure.
Edit plis abang agus.tua.nakal
Ditunggu videonya
wah rame euy banyakan, kalo ane ikutan kayanya ketinggalan deh
mejeng di calon HT
yaampun ketinggalan berita nih
itu berapa kilometer sihh???

kayaknya rutenya panjang yahh? pengen ngetes fisik juga, tp sayang sabtu ane mah sekolah, soalnya anak STM
Quote:Original Posted By despi.satria
itu berapa kilometer sihh???

kayaknya rutenya panjang yahh? pengen ngetes fisik juga, tp sayang sabtu ane mah sekolah, soalnya anak STM

makannya baca gan jgn mau ikut mejeng pejwan doang di fr calon ht

11 kilo tuh

ane juga pengennya sih gitu tes pisik
Quote:Original Posted By df.fms

makannya baca gan jgn mau ikut mejeng pejwan doang di fr calon ht

11 kilo tuh

ane juga pengennya sih gitu tes pisik

cuman pengen mejeng doang tuh

ane juga deng kalo gituhh.. wkwkwk...
Cepet juga dah jadi FRnya jadi, sayang gag bisa ikutan masih di kampung insya Allah klo gag ada halangannya ane gabung yg tanggal 7 Maretnya
tapi saya mah lebih suka jalan kaki
lari mah ga kuat
Quote:Original Posted By diakui
tapi saya mah lebih suka jalan kaki
lari mah ga kuat

waaah keren gan s ane ga ikutan
tracknya seru abisss
biarpun sempet kram alhamdulillah bisa nyampe finish jg,
dikasi spray ajaib bang maul bs langsung lari lagi
kalo ada lg ane ikut lagi bang, ayo yg first timer laennya ikutan, temen2 KR bandung-nya jg asik2 kok *bantupromo*
Aduh punteun pisan, kemarin pagi disuruh ke pasar euy, padahal dah siap
Quote:Original Posted By diakui
tapi saya mah lebih suka jalan kaki
lari mah ga kuat

sama kabita abdi oge
jalan kaki ge sok teu kiat

Quote:Original Posted By ariyaaar

cuman pengen mejeng doang tuh

ane juga deng kalo gituhh.. wkwkwk...

iya noh ente sendiri juga mejeng doang


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