Mengenang Debut Valentino Rossi, Dimulai 31 Maret 20 Tahun lalu, Saat Usianya 16 Tahun
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Quote:Hari ini, 31 Maret 2016, legenda MotoGP, Valentino Rossi mencetak debut Grand Prix-nya tepat 20 tahun.
Karier Grand Prix pertama itu dilakoni Rossi pada balapan 125cc pada GP Malaysia 1996 di Shah Alam. Valentino Rossi 20 tahun lalu saat berusia 16 tahun.
Pebalap Italia itu mengakhiri balapan tersebut di urutan keenam, 7,379 detik di belakang rekan senegarany, Stefano Perugini.
Setahun setelah balapan itu, Rossi menang di Brno, Republik Ceko. Itulah kemenangan pertama dari 112 kemenangan Rossi sejauh ini.
Rossi, kini berusia 37 tahun dan menjadi pebalap tertua di MotoGP, telah menjuarai sembila gelar dunia.
The Doctor, julukan Rossi, akan melanjutkan perburuannya untuk gelar ke-10 pada balapan akhir pekan ini, 3 April 2016, di MotoGP Argentina.
Pada balapan seri pertama di Qatar, 20 Maret 2016, Rossi finis di urutan keempat setelah Jorge Lorenzo, Andrea Dovizioso, dan Marc Marquez.
20 Tahun Lalu, Dunia Menyambut Debut Valentino Rossi
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Quote:Sepak terjang Valentino Rossi sudah melegenda di lintasan balap motor. Rentetan gelar juara dunia berhasil ia raih yang semuanya bermula 20 tahun lalu atau tepatnya 31 Maret 1996 silam.
Hari ini, Kamis (31/3/2016) bertepatan dengan dekade sudah Rossi tampil untuk pertama kalinya sebagai pembalap profesional. Usai direkrut tim Aprilia yang kesengsem bakatnya di ajang balapan lokal, ia tampil di kelas 125cc yang saat itu digelar di Sirkuit Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Rossi yang kala itu masih berusia 17 tahun satu bulan, turun dengan motor AGV Aprilia RS125R. Saat itu, Rossi bisa menjalani sesi latihan bebas dengan baik meski belum mengetahui seluk beluk sirkuit secara lengkap dan berhasil meraih posisi kedelapan di kualifikasi pertamanya.
Saat balapan, Rossi membuktikan diri sebagai talenta berbakat di lintasan balap. Ia berhasil finish di posisi enam pada debutnya dengan terpaut 7.379 detik dari kompatiotnya Stefano Perugini yang keluar sebagai pemenang.
Quote:Total sepanjang musim, Rossi menempati peringkat sembilan dengan status rookie. Bakat joki asal Italia benar-benar terbukti semusim berselang di mana ia keluar sebagai juara dunia kelas 125cc.
Kini, 20 tahun sudah Rossi berkarier di lintasan balap. Sembilan trofi juara dunia balap motor dari kelas 125 cc, 250cc, 500cc hingga MotoGP sudah berhasil ia simpan di lemari pribadinya. Rinciannya, Rossi berhasil mencatat 112 kemenangan, 211 podium, 61 pole position dan 93 kali pemilik lap tercepat.
Musim lalu, Rossi hampir saja meraih gelar juara dunia kesepuluh yang mana disebut-sebut jadi tujuan terakhirnya sebelum pensiun. Namun pembalap yang kini berseragam Yamaha gagal mendapatkannya dan siap berjuang meraihnya hingga 2018 kedepan di mana jadi musim terakhirnya berkiprah di atas kuda besi.
Gak nyangka ni orang udah 20 tahun aja berkarir di Grand Prix
Ane pertama kenal MotoGP tahun 2003an karena ngeliat poster Rossi di kamar temen ane. Ane berpikiran keren banget ni orang, waktu masih pake Honda
Sampe sekarang tetap jadi fans ni mbah Rossi
Kalo agan/sist sendiri gimana? kita flashback bernostalgia waktu pertama nonton MotoGP
20 Years on the World Stage

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The 31st of March, 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of Valentino Rossi’s World Championship debut, made at the Malaysian GP in 1996.
Valentino Rossi’s impact on the world stage was almost immediate; the young Italian ran an incredible 125cc race from 13th on the grid to seal sixth on his debut. In the process he beat riders such as lightweight class specialist Noboru Ueda and Garry McCoy, the whispers from Italy about the sensational youngster proving true in almost every regard.
This was just the start of his glorious career in the World Championship, ‘The Doctor’ going on to win his first race that same year in Brno before destroying the competition in 1997 to clinch his first title. With the 125cc title in his pocket, he moved to the 250cc class and once again after a year of adapting, his second year was a dominating performance as he won nine races.
The pattern of a year of learning, then a year of winning continued as he stepped into the premier class, taking the final 500cc title in 2001. This started a run of five straight titles in the premier class, three for Honda and two for Yamaha. Truly it was with Yamaha that Rossi saw his greatest success, taking a total of four MotoGP™ World Championships with the Japanese company.
20 years later and Rossi remains largely the same; beaming off the track and deadly focused once the lights go out. His struggles in Qualifying still exist too, but no matter how far down the grid he starts, Rossi can rarely be ruled out of the race, as those in the 125cc race at Shah Alam circuit learned. Each year Rossi pushes himself and his crew to find any new advantage they can; a custom built flat track ranch at his home, a new crew chief, a rider coach, all in the hunt for the top step of the podium.
Across the 20 years Rossi has taken 112 victories, 211 podiums, 61 poles, 92 race fastest laps and nine World Championship titles. There are few records that still exist which Rossi’s name is not a part of.
Even as the oldest rider on the grid, Rossi continues to wow onlookers and get faster and faster each year, improving himself and his riding to remain at the front. The 2015 season proved without a shadow of a doubt that Rossi is truly the Peter Pan of MotoGP™, thriving off the thrill of racing and only getting faster and more aggressive with age.
Sumber :
The 31st of March, 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of Valentino Rossi’s World Championship debut, made at the Malaysian GP in 1996.
Valentino Rossi’s impact on the world stage was almost immediate; the young Italian ran an incredible 125cc race from 13th on the grid to seal sixth on his debut. In the process he beat riders such as lightweight class specialist Noboru Ueda and Garry McCoy, the whispers from Italy about the sensational youngster proving true in almost every regard.
This was just the start of his glorious career in the World Championship, ‘The Doctor’ going on to win his first race that same year in Brno before destroying the competition in 1997 to clinch his first title. With the 125cc title in his pocket, he moved to the 250cc class and once again after a year of adapting, his second year was a dominating performance as he won nine races.
The pattern of a year of learning, then a year of winning continued as he stepped into the premier class, taking the final 500cc title in 2001. This started a run of five straight titles in the premier class, three for Honda and two for Yamaha. Truly it was with Yamaha that Rossi saw his greatest success, taking a total of four MotoGP™ World Championships with the Japanese company.
20 years later and Rossi remains largely the same; beaming off the track and deadly focused once the lights go out. His struggles in Qualifying still exist too, but no matter how far down the grid he starts, Rossi can rarely be ruled out of the race, as those in the 125cc race at Shah Alam circuit learned. Each year Rossi pushes himself and his crew to find any new advantage they can; a custom built flat track ranch at his home, a new crew chief, a rider coach, all in the hunt for the top step of the podium.
Across the 20 years Rossi has taken 112 victories, 211 podiums, 61 poles, 92 race fastest laps and nine World Championship titles. There are few records that still exist which Rossi’s name is not a part of.
Even as the oldest rider on the grid, Rossi continues to wow onlookers and get faster and faster each year, improving himself and his riding to remain at the front. The 2015 season proved without a shadow of a doubt that Rossi is truly the Peter Pan of MotoGP™, thriving off the thrill of racing and only getting faster and more aggressive with age.
Gak nyangka si rossi udah 20 tahun balapan
legend hebat ne
jual id kaskus nubi 2004-2005+email
edisi pensi
harga mulai 20rb/id
bayar lewat pulsa
sms aja 08311 47 069 31
Spoiler for :
jual id kaskus nubi 2004-2005+email
edisi pensi
harga mulai 20rb/id
bayar lewat pulsa
sms aja 08311 47 069 31
Semoga dapat titel ke 10 sebelum pensiun
Semoga bisa Juara Dunia musim ini. Go Rossi!
woghbh valentinooo dari jaman gw belum bebulu sampe lebat begini udah jadi favorit gw 
semoga lancar rebut gelar yang kesepuluh without conspiracy trio spain
semoga lancar rebut gelar yang kesepuluh without conspiracy trio spain
2018 pensiun bersama Yamaha
udah fix
udah fix
Sepi bener bray
Rossi emang the best
Quote:Original Posted By protein.tahu ►
Semoga dapat titel ke 10 sebelum pensiun
Iya, gans...
Semoga tahun ini bisa mengunci gelar ke 10, kalo bisa sih berturut-turut sampai tahun 2018.
Semoga dapat titel ke 10 sebelum pensiun
Iya, gans...
Semoga tahun ini bisa mengunci gelar ke 10, kalo bisa sih berturut-turut sampai tahun 2018.
20 taun lalu..ane cuma baru bisa nongkrong , naik motor bebek ma ngabisin duit ortu..
dia udah masuk 125cc dan udah berpenghasilan..
salut ma bang ros..kudu juara tahun ini.
dia udah masuk 125cc dan udah berpenghasilan..
salut ma bang ros..kudu juara tahun ini.
Pak dokter ya
legenda motogp yang akan selalu dikenang
rossi is the legend..
Ane pertama kenal mbah rossi dari buku mewarnai ane gan dlu 
Waktu itu ane dibantu abang buat ngewarnain. Pas udh kelar ane liat deh wuih ini org siapa dah keren banget haha
Waktu itu ane dibantu abang buat ngewarnain. Pas udh kelar ane liat deh wuih ini org siapa dah keren banget haha
ada foto rossi masih muda.. agak kurus ya
20 tahun?
Udah tua ya sekarang toh
Udah tua ya sekarang toh
tutup pejwan dulu
jerez 1999 selebrasinya ngelawak banget
Semoga la decima tahun ini
#forzavale #iostoconvale
Pesan sponsor:
jerez 1999 selebrasinya ngelawak banget
Semoga la decima tahun ini
#forzavale #iostoconvale
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