
Rabu, 06 April 2016

Mengenai Panama Paper

Quote:Sekilas Tentang Panama Paper, Bocoran Dokumen Terbesar dalam Sejarah
Mengenai Panama Paper

BERLIN – Sejumlah besar data milik perusahaan hukum yang berbasis di Panama, Mossack Fonseca yang bocor ke publik telah memicu penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh berbagai media dari seluruh dunia. Dokumen bocoran yang dipublikasikan pada Minggu, 3 April 2016 itu diklaim telah mengungkap berbagai korupsi dan perjanjian bisnis mencurigakan yang dilakukan para pemimpin negara, politisi, atlet dan tokoh-tokoh penting lainnya.

Mossack Fonseca adalah perusahaan hukum yang menyediakan jasa offshore atau pengelolaan bisnis di luar negeri terbesar keempat di dunia. Salah satu kegaitan bisnis Mossack Fonseca adalah penyediaaan perusahaan-perusahaan tidak aktif atau shell company yang digunakan untuk menutupi kegiatan finansial klien-kliennya.

Laporan yang dilansir The Atlantic, Senin (4/4/2016) menyebutkan bahwa dokumen internal yang disebut dengan Panama Papers itu diterima oleh surat kabar Jerman Süddeutsche Zeitung sekira satu tahun lalu dari seorang sumber yang tidak disebutkan namanya dan baru dipublikasikan pada Minggu, (3/4)

Panama Papers mengungkap perusahaan-perusahaan offshore dan shell company milik 140 politisi, pejabat negara, dan atlet dari seluruh dunia, termasuk diantaranya kepala negara dan pemerintahan. Dokumen ini terdiri dari sekira 11,5 juta dokumen atau data setara 2,6 terabytes mengenai 214 ribu shell company dari periode 1970an hingga 2016 menjadikannya sebagai kebocoran dokumen terbesar di dunia.

“Data ini memberikan informasi ke dunia yang hanya ada di dalam bayangan,” tulis Süddeutsche Zeitung dalam laporannya. “ Dokumen ini membuktikan bagaimana industri global yang dipimpin oleh bank-bank, perusahaan-perusahaan hukum, dan perusahaan manajemen aset secara rahasia mengatur harta milik orang-orang kaya dan terkenal di dunia.”

Sebanyak 400 jurnalis dari 100 media dari 80 negara menghabiskan waktu setahun untuk mengecek dan mengulas Panama Papers sebelum akhirnya mengumumkan hasil temuan mereka.


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untuk yang mau kisah lebih lengkap lagi silahkan ke panjang banget soalnya

Quote:beberapa pejabat dan tokoh yang tersangkut sumbernya Mengenai Panama Paper

Quote:vidio pm islandia yang WO ketika diwawancarai

nah, untuk yang di Indonesianya ane dapat ini
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Quote:Mengenai Panama Paper
Mengenai Panama Paper
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Sekitar 800 nama pebisnis dan politikus Indonesia termasuk dalam daftar klien Mossack Fonseca, sebuah firma hukum asal Panama, yang kemarin bocor. Selain mencantumkan nama-nama asal Indonesia, dokumen finansial itu memuat sejumlah kepala negara (mantan dan yang masih menjabat), pebisnis internasional, dan tokoh dunia. Mereka masuk dalam daftar itu karena pernah menyewa Mossack Fonseca untuk mendirikan perusahaan di yuridiksi bebas pajak di luar negeri (offshore).

Bocoran dokumen yang kini dikenal sebagai The Panama Papers itu kemarin dipublikasikan secara serentak oleh 100 media di seluruh dunia. Tempo merupakan satu-satunya media di Indonesia yang tergabung dalam kolaborasi lintas negara ini. Sejak setahun lalu, 370 jurnalis dari 76 negara—diorganisasi oleh The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)—menelisik 11,5 juta data di dokumen itu. Dokumen ini pertama kali didapat oleh sebuah koran dari Jerman, SüddeutscheZeitung.

Mossack Fonseca adalah sebuah firma hukum kecil namun amat berpengaruh di Panama. Firma ini memiliki kantor cabang di Hong Kong, Zurich, Miami, dan 35 kota lain di seluruh dunia.

Di Indonesia, nama-nama para miliarder ternama yang setiap tahun langganan masuk daftar orang terkaya versi Forbes Indonesia bertebaran dalam dokumen Mossack. Pemilik grup Lippo, James Riady, misalnya, tercatat sebagai pemegang saham di sebuah perusahaan bernama Golden Walk Enterprise Ltd. Perusahaan itu didirikan dengan bantuan Mossack Fonseca di British Virgin Islands pada 2011. Putranya, John Riady, juga tercatat sebagai pemilik Phoenix Pacific Enterprise Ltd di BVI. Ketika dimintai konfirmasi, salah seorang keluarga Riady memberikan keterangan off the record.

Nama lain yang muncul dalam daftar ini adalah Direktur PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Franciscus Welirang. Dia tercatat sebagai pemegang saham perusahaan offshore bernama Azzorine Limited. Nama Fransiscus tak langsung tercatat sebagai klien Mossack Fonseca. Dia terafiliasi lewat BOS Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd, yang menjadi klien sejak 2013.

“Azzorine? Saya enggak tahu,” kata Franciscus ketika ditanya soal ini, kemarin. Meski begitu, dia berjanji akan mengecek ihwal keterkaitan perusahaan itu dengan dirinya.
Sandiaga Uno, pebisnis terkemuka yang kini tengah mencalonkan diri menjadi calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta, juga tersangkut dokumen ini. Pekan lalu, Sandiaga mengaku memang memiliki beberapa perusahaan offshore di British Virgin Islands. Keberadaan perusahaan offshore itu penting untuk bisnis Saratoga Equities, sebuah perusahaan investasi yang dia dirikan bersama Edwin Soeryadjaya.

Setidaknya ada tiga perusahaan offshore yang terkait dengan Sandiaga: Aldia Enterprises Ltd, Attica Finance Ltd, dan Ocean Blue Global Holdings Ltd. Ketiganya didirikan berurutan sejak 2004 sampai 2006. “Saya memang punya rencana membuka semuanya karena saya sekarang dalam proses mencalonkan diri menjadi pejabat publik,” katanya tenang.

Secara hukum, memiliki perusahaan offshore bukanlah sesuatu yang otomatis ilegal. Yang jelas, Mossack Fonseca menawarkan jasa untuk membuat perusahaan di yuridiksi bebas pajak untuk kliennya. Firma ini juga bisa menyamarkan kepemilikan perusahaan offshore agar tak mudah dilacak.

Di Indonesia, dua nama yang kerap dicari penegak hukum untuk kepentingan penyidikan kasus korupsi, yakni taipan minyak Muhammad Riza Chalid dan pengusaha properti Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra, juga tercantum dalam dokumen Mossack.

Riza ditengarai ada di luar Indonesia sehingga menyulitkan Kejaksaan Agung memeriksanya dalam kasus dugaan pencatutan nama Presiden Joko Widodo untuk mendapatkan saham PT Freeport Indonesia. Sedangkan Djoko menjadi buron dalam kasus pengalihan hak tagih (cessie) Bank Bali senilai Rp 904 miliar sejak 2009. Selain mereka, masih banyak nama lain yang ada dalam dokumen Mossack dan kini sedang ditelusuri Tempo.

Data Mossack yang bocor berisi informasi soal Mossack dan klien-kliennya sejak 1977 sampai awal 2015. Keberadaan data ini memungkinkan publik mengintip bagaimana dunia offshore bekerja dan bagaimana fulus gelap mengalir di dalam jagat finansial global.

Salah seorang pendiri Mossack, Ramon Fonseca, menegaskan bahwa perusahaannya tidak punya tanggung jawab atas apa pun yang dilakukan kliennya dalam menggunakan perusahaan offshore yang dijual oleh Mossack.


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Mengenai Panama Paper

Quote:ini kayaknya beberapa dokumen yang bocor

Quote:Original Posted By ada.byron
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About Panama Projects

Link di atas ada video wawancara Süddeutsche Zeitung dan ICIJ bagaimana mereka memproses big massive data

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Spoiler for berita banker Inggris membantu Korut:
A British banker who spent two decades living in communist North Korea set up a secret offshore finance company allegedly used by the Pyongyang regime to help sell arms and expand its nuclear weapons programme.

Nigel Cowie – a fluent Korean and Chinese speaker, who studied at Edinburgh University – was behind a Pyongyang front company, DCB Finance Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands, papers show.

He says DCB Finance was used for legitimate business and that he was unaware of any unlawful transactions.

Cowie moved to North Korea in 1995 when Kim Jong-il was in power, and went on to become head of its first foreign bank, Daedong Credit Bank. Initially operating out of a ramshackle Pyongyang hotel with a staff of three, Cowie led a consortium that in 2006 bought a 70% stake in the bank.
A world of hidden wealth: why we are shining a light offshore
Huge leak reveals how the powerful exploit secretive tax regimes – and widen the gulf between rich and poor
Read more

Giving his address as Pyongyang’s International House of Culture, he registered DCB Finance Limited, an offshoot of the bank, in the BVI in summer 2006, with a senior North Korean official, Kim Chol-sam. The Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca incorporated the company, despite North Korea being an obvious high-risk destination.

That July Kim Jong-il signalled his defiance of US sanctions by firing seven ballistic missiles. In October, North Korea carried out its first nuclear weapons test with a controlled underground explosion. The ensuing diplomatic crisis saw the UN impose asset freezes and and travel and trade bans.

In 2013, the US imposed sanctions on Daedong and Cowie’s front company, DCB, as well as on Kim Chol-sam. It alleged the bank provided “financial services” to North Korea’s main arms dealer, the Korea Mining Development Corporation, and its main financial arm, Tanchon Commercial Bank, which were subject to sanctions for the “central role they play supporting North Korea’s illicit nuclear and ballistic missiles programs”.

The US Treasury claimed that since “at least 2006, Daedong Credit Bank had used its front company, DCB Finance Limited, to carry out international financial transactions as a means to avoid scrutiny by financial institutions avoiding business with North Korea”.

Kim was suspected of facilitating transactions worth hundreds of thousands and managing millions of dollars in North-Korean-related accounts.

Before moving to North Korea Cowie worked for HSBC in Hong Kong. From Pyongyang he gave several interviews to visiting foreign journalists, extolling North Korea as an under-appreciated investment opportunity. He told the Wall Street Journal he was part of an “effort to try to get the country going again”. Asked if he might prefer to work out of New York or Hong Kong rather than under an oppressive Stalinist dictatorship, he told the paper: “This is a lot more fun.”
North Korea links ‘went unnoticed’

The Panama Papers reveal Mossack Fonseca failed to notice Cowie’s companies were linked to North Korea – even though he gave an address there. The banker also used Mossack Fonseca to register another company, Phoenix Commercial Ventures Limited. In a joint venture with Pyongyang’s ministry of culture, the firm made CDs and DVD players.

It was only in 2010 that Mossack Fonseca realised it had been dealing with North Korean entities, and resigned as agent. The discovery came after the law firm got a letter from the British Virgin Islands’ Financial Investigation Agency asking for details of Cowie’s company. The next year, Cowie sold his share in the bank to a Chinese consortium.

The Panama Papers include acrimonious emails between Mossack Fonseca’s BVI office and its head office in Panama. In 2013, a member of the firm’s compliance department admitted Cowie’s North Korean address “should have been a red flag”. She wrote: “It is not the ideal situation and it is not gratifying issuing a letter highlighting the inefficiencies of Mossack Fonseca BVI.”

The US sanction against DCB was issued in June 2013, but it referred to a period from 2006, when Cowie was running Daedong. Cowie responded that he had left banking in 2011 to focus on other business commitments.

In a letter, his lawyer said: “My client was a shareholder in DCB Finance Ltd, a company set up to enable DCB to continue to operate after correspondent banks had closed its accounts. The name was specifically chosen in order to reflect the historical connection with DCB. DCB Finance Ltd was used for legitimate business. My client was, and still is to this day, unaware of any transactions being made with any sanctioned organisation or for any sanctioned purpose, during his tenure.”
sumber :

Quote:Quote:Original Posted By bastianravenx
Intinya gini gan Panama Paper ini ngungkap Orang Orang Kaya dunia yang menghindari Pajak. Misalnya penghasilan 1 Milyar harus bayar pajak 500 juta, Nah disini mereka buat perusahaan fiktif terus investasi disitu misalnya invest 500 juta jadi karena investasi ngga dihitung sebgai penghasilan berarti pengasilannya tinggal 500 juta yang tercatat jadi pajak yang mereka bayar lebih rendah daripada yang seharusnya jadi 250 juta gitu gan PAGE ONE KALAU BERKENAN

Quote:Original Posted By keradeti
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Kira2 kek gini gampangnya gan...

DanGliesack menggunakan analogi celengan untuk menjelaskan secara sederhana apa sebenarnya kasus Panama Papers ini. Berikut analogi tersebut, seperti dikutip dari, Senin (4/4/2016):

Anda menabung di celengan yang ada di lemari kamar Anda.

Ibu Anda terus memeriksa uang yang ada di celengan Anda.

Anda tidak suka dengan perilaku ibu.

Anda membeli sebuah celengan baru, dan membawanya ke rumah seorang teman bernama Johnny.

Ibu Johnny sibuk. Dia tidak akan sempat memeriksa celengan Anda. Jadi, Anda dapat dengan tenang menyimpan uang tanpa diperiksa.

Anak-anak tetangga berpikir tindakan Anda adalah sebuah ide brilian.

Mereka pun datang membawa celengan masing-masing ke rumah Johnny.

Suatu hari, ibu Johnny terkejut mengetahui ada banyak celengan di rumahnya.

Dia marah dan menelepon semua orangtua dari anak-anak yang menyimpan celengan.

Ditemukannya celengan dan kemarahan ibu Johnny merupakan analogi dari kemunculan kasus Panama Papers. Ada sejumlah anak yang menyimpan uangnya di "luar rumah" mereka.

Namun tidak semua anak yang menyimpan uangnya itu adalah orang jahat. Sebagai contoh, mungkin ada anak yang menyimpan uangnya di luar rumah karena mereka menginginkan privasi.

Tapi ada juga anak, sebut saja namanya Michael, yang mencuri uang dari dompet ibunya dan menyembunyikannya dalam celengan di rumah Johnny. Ada juga Jacob yang mencuri uang makan siang anak lain dan menyembunyikannya di rumah Johnny karena tidak ingin ketahuan ibunya.

Meski ada yang baik dan jahat, tapi semua anak yang menyimpan uangnya di rumah Johnny tetap dalam masalah, karena memiliki celengan rahasia adalah sesuatu yang dilarang.

Saat ini, jurnalis di berbagai negara sedang mendalami Panama Papers, untuk lebih memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di "rumah Johnny," apakah itu aktivitas legal, pantas atau melanggar hukum.

pejwan gan..

biar kekinian aja gan share berita ginian.
menarik kayaknya pas nanti udah di full release seluruh perusahaannya ada nama nama petinggi di Indonesia.
oh iya, ini juga sebenarnya gak salah salah amat ngelakuin kayak gini, tergantung niatnya aja pengennya mau diapakan tuh perusahaan.
ditunggu nanti bulan Mei untuk full releasenya dari pihak ICIJ.
Quote:Original Posted By Fanelix

nah, untuk yang di Indonesianya ane dapat ini
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Mengenai Panama Paper
Mengenai Panama Paper

kalau yang ini perbandingan dg kebocoran yang sudah ada selama ini
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Mengenai Panama Paper

biar kekinian aja gan share berita ginian.
menarik kayaknya pas nanti udah di full release seluruh perusahaannya ada nama nama petinggi di Indonesia.

keuangan dr om putin & asshole junior shit mulai ketauan belang nya....
messi juga ikutan

bakal ad yg angkut ke spectre neh
edan the next wikileaks nih
Dapet dari reddit ttg panama paper

Quote:When you get a quarter you put it in the piggy bank. The piggy bank is on a shelf in your closet. Your mom knows this and she checks on it every once in a while, so she knows when you put more money in or spend it.
Now one day, you might decide "I don't want mom to look at my money." So you go over to Johnny's house with an extra piggy bank that you're going to keep in his room. You write your name on it and put it in his closet. Johnny's mom is always very busy, so she never has time to check on his piggy bank. So you can keep yours there and it will stay a secret.
Now all the kids in the neighborhood think this is a good idea, and everyone goes to Johnny's house with extra piggy banks. Now Johnny's closet is full of piggy banks from everyone in the neighborhood.
One day, Johnny's mom comes home and sees all the piggy banks. She gets very mad and calls everyone's parents to let them know.
Now not everyone did this for a bad reason. Eric's older brother always steals from his piggy bank, so he just wanted a better hiding spot. Timmy wanted to save up to buy his mom a birthday present without her knowing. Sammy just did it because he thought it was fun. But many kids did do it for a bad reason. Jacob was stealing people's lunch money and didn't want his parents to figure it out. Michael was stealing money from his mom's purse. Fat Bobby's parents put him on a diet, and didn't want them to figure out when he was buying candy.
Now in real life, many very important people were just caught hiding their piggy banks at Johnny's house in Panama. Today their moms all found out. Pretty soon, we'll know more about which of these important people were doing it for bad reasons and which were doing it for good reasons. But almost everyone is in trouble regardless, because it's against the rules to keep secrets no matter what.

banyak banget yg terlibat yak, orang kaya semua, cuman apa semuanya ilegal?

penasaran ama org indonesianya siapa aja
Quote:Original Posted By Klonengannya
Dapet dari reddit ttg panama paper

banyak banget yg terlibat yak, orang kaya semua, cuman apa semuanya ilegal?

penasaran ama org indonesianya siapa aja

nah ini gan, emang gak semuanya ilegal kayaknya, itu tergantung niat yang punya perusahaan perusaan itu sendiri, soalnya menurut si Mossack Fonseca, mereka cuma pengen bantuin orang orang yang mau bikin perusahaan di luar negara orang yang meminta. jadi ya tergantung orang yang punyanya perusahaan mau dibikin kek gimana tuh perusahaan.
tapi kayaknya yang dipermasalahkan banyaknya pejabat pejabat penting yang tidak melaporkan perusahaan yang mereka punya yang dibentuk lewat si Mossack ini, efeknya jadi ke penggelapan pajak. CMIIW, bingung sendiri juga sih ane sebenarnya,

Spoiler for update ttg PM Islandia:
Iceland’s embattled prime minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, has become the first major casualty of the Panama Papers, stepping aside from his office amid mounting public outrage that his family had sheltered money offshore.

What was planned as a mass protest in Reykjavik on Tuesday evening turned to muted satisfaction as demonstrators vented their anger following revelations that Gunnlaugsson once owned – and his wife still owns – an offshore investment company with multimillion-pound claims on Iceland’s failed banks.

“We were hoping parliament would be dissolved,” said Steingrimur Oli Einarsson, a fish oil trader, one of a few hundred to brave a freezing northeasterly wind on parliament square in downtown Reykjavik.

“Of course we’re happy the prime minister has stepped down. But we are not satisfied with who is taking over from him, and with the fact that the government itself is still there.”

Gunnlaugsson’s office said in a statement that he was not resigning, but “handing over the office of prime minister for an unspecified time” to Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, the agriculture and fisheries minister.

Gunnlaugsson was “very proud” of his success resurrecting Iceland’s economy after the 2008 financial crisis, the statement said, and “especially proud of his government’s handling of ... the creditors of the failed Icelandic banks”.

Outside parliament, Sigrin Eiroksdottir, a pre-school teacher, said the occasion “doesn’t really feel like any kind of victory. There is so much still to put right in this country in terms of ethics, of how the world looks at us.”

Lara Gardarsdottir, an illustrator, said: “It’s good news he’s resigned, yes. But we need far more drastic change. We’re left with the same gang in charge. And the guy who’s replacing the prime minister, a couple of days ago he was saying he saw nothing wrong in what he’d done.”

The move still requires the formal approval of both the junior partner in the centre-right coalition government, the Independence party, and Iceland’s president, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, and a snap election is still a possibility.

The country’s leftwing opposition parties, who earlier this week presented a motion of no confidence in the government, said they were by no means satisfied. “It is clear our demand for new elections still stands,” the Left Green party leader, Katri­n Jakobsdottir, said.
The Panama Papers: how the world’s rich and famous hide their money offshore
Guardian analysis of leaked papers will show how influential people including heads of government have exploited tax havens
Read more

The prime minister, who has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, had earlier sought to remain in office by asking to dissolve parliament and call new elections. But after the president turned him down, the prime minister met senior Progressive party officials and reportedly suggested himself that he step down.

The Independence party leader, finance minister Bjarni Benediktsson, whose name also appeared in the leaked documents in connection with a Seychelles-based company of which he once owned a third, was holding talks with Grímsson, who flew back early from the US to sound out all Iceland’s parliamentary party representatives as the island’s political crisis deepened on Tuesday.

The leaked documents from the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama reveal Gunnlaugsson and his wife, Anna Sigurlaug Pálsdóttir, bought a British Virgin Islands-based offshore company, Wintris Inc, in December 2007 to invest her share of the very substantial proceeds from the sale of her father’s business, Iceland’s only Toyota importer.

Gunnlaugsson sold his 50% stake to his wife for a symbolic $1 at the end of 2009, eight months after he was elected to parliament as an MP for the centre-right Progressive party. He failed, however, to declare an interest in the company either then or when he became prime minister in 2013.

His office has said his shareholding was an error due simply to the couple having a joint bank account and that it had “always been clear to both of them that the prime minister’s wife owned the assets”. The transfer of ownership was made as soon as this was pointed out, a spokesman said. The prime minister also denies he was required to declare an interest.

The Guardian has seen no evidence to suggest tax avoidance, evasion or any dishonest financial gain on the part of Gunnlaugsson, Pálsdóttir or Wintris.

Gunnlaugsson’s office said in the statement that the couple had provided “detailed answers to questions” about the Wintris assets, which they had “never sought to hide”. The holdings had been reported as an asset on Pálsdóttir’s income tax returns since 2008 and all relevant taxes had been paid accordingly in Iceland, it said. No parliamentary disclosure rules had been broken.

But Gunnlaugsson’s political opponents and many ordinary Icelanders, more than 10,000 of whom staged a first mass protest outside parliament on Monday night, have been outraged at what many see as an attempt by their prime minister – even if he has done nothing illegal – to hide money offshore.

Such allegations are particularly incendiary in Iceland, which was brought almost to its knees in the financial crisis of 2008 by the recklessness of a small group of bankers and businessmen – several of whom are now in jail – who used offshore companies to conceal their dealings in high-risk financial products.

Plunged into a deep depression from which it has only recently recovered, Iceland had to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund. It also introduced strict capital controls on the amount of money that could be taken out of the country – another reason why the question of offshore holdings inflames Icelandic opinion.

Gunnlaugsson is also accused of a serious conflict of interest for failing to disclose his involvement with the company.

Wintris held millions of pounds worth of bonds in Landsbanki, Glitnir and Kaupthing, the three big Icelandic banks that collapsed in the crisis with liabilities of more than 10 times the country’s GDP – and whose bankruptcies the prime minister’s government was responsible for overseeing.

Opponents are also angered by what many Icelanders see as hypocrisy: Gunnlaugsson rose to power as part of a grassroots group called In Defence of Iceland, pledging to protect the country from its “vulture” foreign creditors and relieve the burden on ordinary Icelanders – and stressing how important it was to keep Icelandic assets in Iceland.

On Tuesday even members of Gunnlaugsson’s own party called for him to resign. City councillors from his own constituency of Akureyri said he should step down over what they described as crisis of confidence.

Opposition MPs are much more outspoken. “People just feel humiliated and very, very angry,” said Birgitta Jónsdóttir of the radical Pirate party, which opinion polls currently estimate is the country’s largest with the support of between 35% and 42% of the electorate.

“After what happened to this country in 2008 we needed honesty, transparency and integrity from our leaders,” Jónsdóttir told the Guardian. “None of these things have been evident in this whole story.”

Árni Páll Árnason, leader of the opposition Social Democratic Alliance, said Gunlaugsson’s position was simply no longer tenable.

“I think it’s obvious that we cannot tolerate a leadership that is linked to offshore holdings,” Árnason said. “Iceland cannot be the only western European democratic country with a political leadership in this position.”

Spoiler for keterkaitan dengan FIFA:
The new head of world football has been caught up in the sport’s corruption scandal because of documents that have been revealed by the Panama Papers leak.

Files seen by the Guardian will raise questions about the role Fifa’s president, Gianni Infantino, played in deals that were concluded when he was director of legal services at Uefa, European football’s governing body.

According to records, Uefa concluded offshore deals with one of the indicted figures at the heart of an alleged “World Cup of fraud” despite previously insisting it had no dealings with any of them.

The emergence of the contracts from 2003 and 2006, which were co-signed by Infantino, link Uefa for the first time to one of the companies involved in the huge unfolding scandal that has brought down former Fifa president Sepp Blatter.

Uefa has denied any wrongdoing by any of its officials or any other marketing partner.

It said the contracts were all above board. Fifa has previously insisted Infantino had no dealings with any of the officials currently under investigation – or their companies.

The disclosures are based on the leak of 11m documents from the files of the offshore financial law firm Mossack Fonseca, which were obtained by Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists with the Guardian and other news organisations.

Infantino is the Swiss-Italian former Uefa secretary general who won the race to succeed the disgraced Blatter in February. The files show that in 2006, when he worked at Uefa, the organisation sold the rights for broadcasting its club competitions in South America.

The rights to the Champions League, the Uefa Cup and the Super Cup were acquired by an Argentinian company called Cross Trading. Cross Trading immediately sold on to broadcaster Teleamazonas for about three or four times the amount paid for them. The contracts covered the period from 2003 to 2006 and from 2006 to 2009.

Cross Trading is a subsidiary of a company called Full Play, which is owned by Hugo Jinkis. Last year in an unrelated matter, Jinkis was alleged by US prosecutors to have handed over millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks to football executives to obtain and retain media and marketing rights.

Jinkis, along with his son Mariano, is under house arrest in Argentina.

Jinkis’s involvement in the deals with Uefa from a decade ago are set out in the Panama Papers. Cross Trading signed a deal with Uefa’s broadcasting and marketing partner, called Team. Infantino’s name appears on the contract as Uefa’s director of legal services.

According to the contracts, Cross Trading, which was registered in the tiny South Pacific tax haven of Niue, agreed to pay $111,000 for the exclusive rights to broadcast Champions League football in Ecuador between 2006-07 and 2008-09.

In the covering letter containing the fully executed contracts, Uefa states: “Congratulations on joining the family of broadcast partners for the 2006-2009 Uefa Champions League seasons … we look forward to working with you!”

Ecuadorian broadcaster Teleamazonas then paid Cross Trading $311,170 for the Champions League rights.

Uefa insisted the TV rights deals with Cross Trading were all above board and it could not have known when they were signed in 2003 and 2006 that Jinkis would be involved in the scandal a decade later.

It said the rights were sold “pursuant to an open, competitive, tender process”, and that the offer from Teleamazonas/Cross Trading was 20% higher than the next best bid.

“There is no suggestion whatsoever of any Uefa official or marketing partner taking any form of bribe or kickback, whether in relation to this tiny deal, or any other commercial transaction,” it said.

Uefa added: “The TV contract in question was signed by Gianni Infantino since he was one of several Uefa directors empowered to sign contracts at the time. As you will have observed, the contract was also co-signed by another Uefa director. It’s standard practice.”
Leaked papers give Fifa ethics committee new credibility crisis
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It is unclear why Teleamazonas paid so much for the rights, but one possibility is that Cross Trading simply made a huge profit on the deal. Local sources also confirmed that a similar agreement was in place three years earlier, when Teleamazonas bought a similar package from Cross Trading for a fee believed to be about $400,000.

Uefa reiterated that it received $111,000 for the Champions League rights over a three-year period and had no knowledge of any subsequent deal between Cross Trading and Teleamazonas. “The reason why Cross Trading appears as the contract partner in this deal is simply because Team was advised that Cross Trading had the mandate to act as exclusive buyer for all sports TV rights of Teleamazonas in the European area,” it said.

“Neither Team nor Uefa had any reason to believe that there was anything suspicious or untoward about an agency relationship between Cross Trading and Teleamazonas.”

It said any bilateral deals between Teleamazanoas and Cross Trading were “their business, not ours”. “We do know that Teleamazonas made the best offer for these FTA [free-to-air] rights in Ecuador. And that’s why we took it.”

Uefa did not say why it had previously asserted that it had not had any dealings with any of the indicted companies or individuals.

But having checked through thousands of contracts, it said it could confirm that in addition to two contracts with Cross Trading for the Champions League and Uefa Cup in Ecuador from 2003 to 2006 and 2006 to 2009, it had also signed a Euro 2016 hospitality sales agreement with Traffic Sports Europe, a Brazilian company named extensively in the US indictment.

Fifa said that the matter was largely one for Uefa and that its assertion that “to the best of his knowledge Gianni Infantino had no dealings in his time at Uefa with any of the persons mentioned” was based on information received from Uefa.

Fifa has been fighting on a number of fronts in recent months.

Mossack Fonseca, the Panamanian firm at the centre of the Panama Papers leak, resigned as the registered agents of Cross Trading in June 2015. In the first quarter of 2015, the Mossack Fonseca files show that the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Seychelles was investigating Cross Trading and asked Mossack Fonseca for more information about the company.

Mossack Fonseca has insisted it has strong due diligence protocols. “Over the last 18 months, we have reinforced our compliance department by hiring an additional 26 professionals to comply with new regulations as well as to conduct retroactive due diligence on all existing clients,” it said.

Contained in the Mossack Fonseca files are the details of contracts signed between companies controlled by Jinkis and allegedly corrupt Fifa executives named in the US indictments, including the longstanding secretary general of the South American confederation, Conmebol, Eduardo Deluca; the Conmebol president and Fifa executive Nicolás Leoz; and the Uruguayan former Fifa executive Eugenio Figueredo.

Infantino joined Uefa in 2000 and became secretary general in 2009. He in effect took over the running of the European confederation when Michel Platini was suspended by Fifa’s ethics committee over a £1.35m payment he received from Blatter in 2011.
Gianni Infantino wins the Fifa election in February.

Infantino chose to stand for the Fifa presidency himself and secured a surprise victory after convincing Fifa’s 209 member associations that he would repair its damaged finances and raise more money for football development around the world.

In the foreword to last month’s financial report, which revealed losses of £84.2m because of deserting sponsors and spiralling legal fees, he said it was to Fifa’s credit that it had acted to limit the damage to the organisation of the recent corruption scandal.

“By taking the necessary steps to support reform at the extraordinary congress in February, I believe that we have turned a corner and that Fifa is poised to emerge stronger than ever,” he said. “My time in office will be focused on helping our member associations to fully implement the reforms at all levels of the game to ensure we restore full confidence in Fifa among all of our stakeholders.”
Quote:Original Posted By Fanelix
nah ini gan, emang gak semuanya ilegal kayaknya, itu tergantung niat yang punya perusahaan perusaan itu sendiri, soalnya menurut si Mossack Fonseca, mereka cuma pengen bantuin orang orang yang mau bikin perusahaan di luar negara orang yang meminta. jadi ya tergantung orang yang punyanya perusahaan mau dibikin kek gimana tuh perusahaan.
tapi kayaknya yang dipermasalahkan banyaknya pejabat pejabat penting yang tidak melaporkan perusahaan yang mereka punya yang dibentuk lewat si Mossack ini, efeknya jadi ke penggelapan pajak. CMIIW, bingung sendiri juga sih ane sebenarnya,

ya mungkin gitu, tax evation dan juga si Mossack Fonseca itu keknya gak mau tau duit yg diinvest asalnya darimana (ntah dr narkoba, traficking, hal ilegal lainnya) yg penting masuk aja duitnya, pencucian uang gitu.

Misal kan ada Lionel Messi disitu, apa dia gelapin pajak juga? bisa terkena kasus hukum kalo ia

nunggu updatenya lebih lanjut, karena emang masih anget beritanya
scandal of the century, udah kayak di film2 aja muter duitnya
About Panama Projects

Link di atas ada video wawancara Süddeutsche Zeitung dan ICIJ bagaimana mereka memproses big massive data

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper
Penasaran jadinya.......
Nyuci duit aja jauh2 ke panama
Quote:Original Posted By ada.byron
About Panama Projects

Link di atas ada video wawancara Süddeutsche Zeitung dan ICIJ bagaimana mereka memproses big massive data

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

Mengenai Panama Paper

izin untuk ditambahkan buat update ya gan.

Banyak tokoh penting dunia terlibat, jadi penasaran gimana endingnya ya
ane jg masih belum paham betul kasus ini
yang jelas,yang jadi permasalahaanya kan perusahaan itu sebagian banyak yg fiktif kan yang digunakan untuk pencucian uang dan penggelapan pajak dengan mendirikan perusahaan offshore (bebas pajak) di daerah2 tax heaven kek british virgin.
tapi msh bingung jg kasus ini dibacking oleh bank2 internasional dan tekermuka lainnya jg.yah paling yg udah2 para pelaku penggelapan juga ujung2nya cuman bayar denda

Ntah fakta atau rekayasa
Lihat aja nanti
Serem bray
wow kakak wow

sudah pastikah orang2 ini terjerat hukum??
tuh pengemplang pajak agamanya apa tuh
dari usa ngak ada ya ? sungguh luar biasa
Masih kurang faham, btw nyimak gan
permainan mafia ini mah..
Gembok page one

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