
Minggu, 15 November 2015

[BREAKING] Penembakan, Penyanderaan & Bom di Paris; 60 tewas, 100 disandera!!!

• 'Several killed' after 'Kalashnikov attack'
• Explosions heard outside Stade de France
• Multiple attack sites across the French capital
• Reports of suicide attacks and hostages taken

EDIT 1: Data terakhir korban jiwa sudah mencapai 100 orang
EDIT 2 : Korban jiwa naik lagi menjadi 140 orang
EDIT 3: Korban meninggal mencapai 153 orang
EDIT 4: (10:48 WIB)
--153 orang tewas
-- 80 orang kritis
-- 200 orang terluka

Quote:Original Posted By indonesianpeopl

boleh nambahin Update:
153 Tewas
200 luka-luka
5 pelaku teror telah dibunuh Semua

Keputusan Presiden:
1. Keadaan Darurat di semua negara, mall, swalayan, sekolah, dll ditutup di seluruh negara !
2. Membatalkan lawatannya ke KTT G-20 di Turki
3. Menutup seluruh perbatasan negara !
4. Penjagaan ketat di seluruh Kota Paris !

60 dead
More than 60 dead,
according to BFMTV. "Hundreds" held hostage in the Bataclan night club. Security forces fear that there are "several hostage takings underway" in Paris.
France is on "multiple terror attack" mode.
Francois Fillon, France's former prime minister, tweets: "War is upon us"

Reserved untuk update thread

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

The scene outside the restaurant Philou, close to where shots were heard in Paris, France on November 13, 2015.

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

The scene outside the restaurant Philou, close to where shots were heard in Paris, France on November 13, 2015.

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

People run after hearing what is believed to be explosions or gunshots near the Place de la Republique square.

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

6 corps étendus au 90 rue Charonne. Des gens jettent des draps par les fenêtres pour les couvrir. L'horreur totale
1:21 PM - 13 Nov 2015

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

Victims on the pavement outside a Paris restaurant.

Quote:Original Posted By moldgie

Investigating police officers work outside the Stade de France stadium after an international friendly soccer match France against Germany.

Paris is the new iraq
Euro 2016 terancam batal ni

Efek Benzema dipenjarakah
ikut memantau, jangan sampai kehilangan momentum isu teroris hajar terus

Quote:Original Posted By kampretkasep
ada bom bunuh diri di paris, puluhan meninggal dunia gara2 it

Death toll in #Paris is climbing. 35 reportedly dead, 100 hostages taken by gunmen at a theatre.

Attacks in #Paris: At least 30 dead, according to the AFP

ada sandera sipil juga yg dsandera sama mujahilin cabang paris, ada yg bilang 30, ada yg bilang 60, ada yg bilang juga 100 orang di sandera di bataclan theater

DETAILS: Around 100 hostages at #Paris #Bataclan theater; 35 killed in shootouts. 60 hostages in concert hall and 15 dead inside the concert hall

For 5 years, #France was the biggest supporter of terror in #Syria, The monster that they created turned against them.

menurut CNN Indonesia terrorist unknown
Lagi lagi di Perancis
pelaku misinya apa?
karma berbalik kan..? dukung aja terus teroris..

mereka ga peduli.. tuannyapun digigit

"Terrorism is not a card you play and put back in your pocket. Like a scorpion, it can unexpectedly sting you at any time." - #Assad. #Paris #Syria

suara bomnya kedengaran pas nonton bola prancis vs german

Quote:Original Posted By Athanasius.
Reserved untuk update thread

Nobody pray for Palestine and Syria, why would I pray for Paris? What is so special about Paris that it deserve prayer than the other two?

Bisa batal ini euro

Damn world

Ngeksis dulu di hate

Bagi warga biasa mohon maaf ya

Kebetulan ini trit di BPLN

Jadi wajar saja isi pej awal2 kek gini

Keep logic! peace bro

Plz mod,walau gw posting no2 terbanyak disini,jgn pukul rata yg komen plg banyak itu trolling or sara,sehingga banned permanen selamanya..lo trace gw kalau mau sok aja..bisa gw edit kok 1 or 2x24 jam kalau tak berkenan..mau maniac ini mod jgn didelete,closed aja,capek gw ngejunk jg kalau mau nyara inget id mah,mending klonengan dulu
Paling false flag lagi. Pake pamerin bendera di jendela ga??

ayo donk ww3. nuke tuh kabah..
royal rumble..
brace yourself, world war 3 is coming.
France is the new iraq
Dulu paris adalah kota mode

Sekarang paris adalah kota teror.
Quote:Original Posted By ubireboost

Nobody pray for Palestine and Syria, why would I pray for Paris? What is so special about Paris that it deserve prayer than the other two?

Me pray pray too kok
kira kira apa passwordnya
Quote:Original Posted By ubireboost
Nobody pray for Palestine and Syria, why would I pray for Paris? What is so special about Paris that it deserve prayer than the other two?

sepakat sama ente. ane lebh milih pake kata peace for paris aja deh. salam damai gan
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