Kali ini ane mau bahas topik yang lagi hangat Gan, yaitu mengenai teror. Ulah teroris ini memang menjengkelkan ya Gan, menyebarkan terror di dunia bikin kita merasa gak aman dan menyakiti orang-orang yang nggak bersalah. Huft….
Baru-baru ini dunia kembali dihebohkan dengan serangan teroris, pada 13 November 2015 Paris diserang serangkaian aksi teror di tujuh lokasi yang berbeda. ISIS mengklaim dirinya sebagai pelaku terror di Paris. Kemudian, Kepolisian Prancis mengklaim telah mengidentifikasi dalang pemboman di Paris. Pelaku bernama Abdelhamid Abaaoud, warga Belgia yang kini menjadi anggota ISIS.
Quote:Radio RTL di Prancis melaporkan bahwa Abdelhamid Abaaoud merupakan salah satu algojo paling sadis di ISIS. Dia beberapa kali merencanakan serangan di Eropa, seperti di stasiun kereta api dan gereja, yang sukses digagalkan tim antiteror. Analis keamanan Prancis, Charlie Winter, mengatakan bahwa Abaaoud mengawasi dan mendanai penyerangan di Paris.
Spoiler for selfienya pelaku:
Teror ini juga menyebar ke negara-negara lain Gan. Sejumlah negara pun memperketat pengawasan untuk mengantisipasi rencana-rencana teror berikutnya. Salah satunya adalah di Belgia. Belgia memperketat keamanan negaranya dalam menghadapi isu-isu teror. Beberapa acara besar terpaksa dibatalkan dan ditunda tuh Gan. Misalnya aja pertandingan sepak bola. Dua pertandingan yaitu Lokeren vs Anderlecht dan Mouscron vs Peruwez harus ditunda untuk sementara demi keamanan. Walikota dari masing-masing kota mengambil keputusan ini karena peringatan teror sudah dalam level yang paling tinggi. Beberapa pertandingan lainnya pun dibatalkan dan orang-orang dihimbau untuk menjauhi keramaian. Beberapa pelaku pemboman kabarnya emang berasal dari Belgia juga Gan, jadi mereka ekstra hati-hati.
Brussels pun membentuk Pasukan Perlawanan Serangan Teroris dan mengunci akses ibukota tersebut. Hal ini juga menimbulkan respon yang beragam dari media-media Eropa. Karena kesiagaan ini bikin kota Brussels semacam lumpuh gitu Gan. Belum lagi menimbulkan kegelisahan di masyarakat. Fasilitas-fasilitas umum seperti sekolah, kampus bahkan sistem tranposrtasi Metro ditutup untuk sementara untuk mengantisipasi teror.
Spoiler for mencekam:
Spoiler for Brussels dijaga ketat:
Quote:"One thing is certain: the lockdown paralyses Brussels and gradually the whole country in a climate of anxiety," it says. "The 'lockdown' of a city for a long period as a precaution against a terrorist threat is unprecedented, not only in Belgium."
The paper also accuses the authorities of creating "horrible confusion" by way of contradictory statements on the situation.
Level siaga tinggi ini dilakukan karena pihak berwajib tengah memburu salah satu tersangka teror Paris, Salah Abdeslam. Polisi juga mendesak masyarakat untuk tidak memposting pergerakan mereka di sosial media.
Spoiler for Brussels jadi sepi gini:
Beberapa informasi mengatakan Salah Abdeslam sedang bersembunyi di Brussels. Salah satunya dari salah seorang yang mengaku mengantarkan Salah Abdeslam ke Belgia. Ia memberitahu pengacaranya, Carine Couquelet bahwa Abdeslam memakai jaket besar dan sepertinya memiliki ikat pinggang untuk bunuh diri. Selain itu, teman-teman Abdeslam membeberkan kepada ABC News bahwa mereka pernah berbicara dengan Abdeslam melalui skype dan ia mengatakan bahwa ia tengah bersembunyi di Brussels dan berusaha mati-matian untuk pergi ke Syria.
Quote:They said he was caught between European authorities hunting him and IS members who were "watching him" and were unhappy that he had not detonated his suicide belt.
Spoiler for wanted:
Sementara itu, sabuk bom yang diduga akan digunakan sebagai bom bunuh diri milik Abdeslam kabarnya ditemukan dibuang di daerah pinggir kota Paris Selatan, tempat terakhir Abdeslam melarikan diri. Hal ini menguatkan teori bahwa Abdeslam membatalkan misi bom bunuh dirinya, dan memilih melakukan penyerangan.
Quote:A French police source said: 'The belt was found in a dustbin, and is said to be very similar to those worn by the Paris terrorists. Its detonator had been removed.
Waduhh... semoga lekas ditemukan deh Gan para pelaku teror itu. Semoga dunia bisa kembali aman, damai sentosa. Menurut agan, teroris enaknya diapain yah?
eropa itu masih sama seperti dulu ..
sebelum teroris ISIS masuk ke eropa bomb serang bunuh umat yg beda agama
kota2 di eropa itu aja udah dari dulu jadi ajang perang agama ..
paus dianggap bapa suci & wakil tuhan oleh katolik
paus itu memerintah suruh catholic crusdaders utk membantai protestan ,yahudi,muslim di eropa
1096 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter half the Jews in Worms, Germany.
1098 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter almost all of the inhabitants of the city of Antioch.
1099 Roman Catholic crusaders massacre 70,000 Muslims and Jews when they capture Jerusalem.
1208 – 1226 The Albigensian Crusades in southern France. Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter approximately 20,000 citizens of Beziers, France, on July 22, 1209. Albigensian Christians and Catholics were slain. By the time the Roman Catholic armies finished their “crusade,” almost the entire population of southern France (mostly Albigensian Christians) has been exterminated. During the six centuries of papal Inquisition that began in the 13th century, up to 50 million people were killed. Read what J. A. Wylie's The History of Protestantism has to say about the Crusades against the Abigenses
1236 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter Jews in the Anjou and Poitou regions of western France. The Catholic crusaders trample to death under their horses 3000 Jews who refuse baptism.
1243 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all the Jews in Berlitz, Germany (near Berlin).
1298 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all Jews in Rottingen, Germany.
April 26, 1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Jews in Germersheim, Germany.
1348 – 1349 The Jews are blamed for the bubonic plague. Author Dave Hunt tells us, “Accused of causing the ‘Black Death’ Jews were rounded up [by Roman Catholic mobs] and hanged, burned, and drowned by the thousands in revenge.”
1389 Roman Catholic mobs murder 3000 Jews in Prague when they refuse to be baptized.
1481 – 1483 At the direction of the Roman Catholic inquisitors, authorities burn at the stake at least 2000 people during the first two years of the Spanish Inquisition.
1540 – 1570 Roman Catholic armies butcher at least 900,000 Waldensian Christians of all ages during this 30-year period.
1550 – 1560 Roman Catholic troops slaughter at least 250,000 Dutch Protestants via torture, hanging, and burning during this ten-year period.
1553 – 1558 Roman Catholic Queen Mary I of England (aka “bloody Mary”) attempts to bring England back under the yoke of papal tyranny. During her reign, approximately 200 men and woman are burned to death at the sake. Her victims include bishops, scholars, and other Protestant leaders.
1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. French Roman Catholic soldiers begin killing Protestants in Paris on the night of August 24, 1572. The soldiers kill at least 10,000 Protestants during the first three days. At least 8000 more Protestants are killed as the slaughter spreads to the countryside.
1618 – 1648 The Thirty Years’ War. This bloody, religious war is planned, instigated, and orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit order and its agents in an attempt to exterminate all the Protestants in Europe. Many countries in central Europe lose up to half their population.
1641 – 1649 Eight years of Jesuit-instigated Roman Catholic butchery of Irish Protestants claims the lives of at least 100,000 Protestants.
1685 French Roman Catholic soldiers slaughter approximately 500,000 French Protestant Huguenots on the orders of Roman Catholic King Louis 14 of France.
Circa 1938 – 1945 Catholic dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Monsignor Tiso slaughter approximately six million Jews in Europe prior to and during World War 2.
1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi in the fascist state of Croatia butcher up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. This genocide is choreographed by two Jesuit prelates: Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric.
obama samakan kebiadaban crusade dgn teroris ISIS
sebelum teroris ISIS masuk ke eropa bomb serang bunuh umat yg beda agama
kota2 di eropa itu aja udah dari dulu jadi ajang perang agama ..
paus dianggap bapa suci & wakil tuhan oleh katolik
paus itu memerintah suruh catholic crusdaders utk membantai protestan ,yahudi,muslim di eropa
1096 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter half the Jews in Worms, Germany.
1098 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter almost all of the inhabitants of the city of Antioch.
1099 Roman Catholic crusaders massacre 70,000 Muslims and Jews when they capture Jerusalem.
1208 – 1226 The Albigensian Crusades in southern France. Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter approximately 20,000 citizens of Beziers, France, on July 22, 1209. Albigensian Christians and Catholics were slain. By the time the Roman Catholic armies finished their “crusade,” almost the entire population of southern France (mostly Albigensian Christians) has been exterminated. During the six centuries of papal Inquisition that began in the 13th century, up to 50 million people were killed. Read what J. A. Wylie's The History of Protestantism has to say about the Crusades against the Abigenses
1236 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter Jews in the Anjou and Poitou regions of western France. The Catholic crusaders trample to death under their horses 3000 Jews who refuse baptism.
1243 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all the Jews in Berlitz, Germany (near Berlin).
1298 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all Jews in Rottingen, Germany.
April 26, 1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Jews in Germersheim, Germany.
1348 – 1349 The Jews are blamed for the bubonic plague. Author Dave Hunt tells us, “Accused of causing the ‘Black Death’ Jews were rounded up [by Roman Catholic mobs] and hanged, burned, and drowned by the thousands in revenge.”
1389 Roman Catholic mobs murder 3000 Jews in Prague when they refuse to be baptized.
1481 – 1483 At the direction of the Roman Catholic inquisitors, authorities burn at the stake at least 2000 people during the first two years of the Spanish Inquisition.
1540 – 1570 Roman Catholic armies butcher at least 900,000 Waldensian Christians of all ages during this 30-year period.
1550 – 1560 Roman Catholic troops slaughter at least 250,000 Dutch Protestants via torture, hanging, and burning during this ten-year period.
1553 – 1558 Roman Catholic Queen Mary I of England (aka “bloody Mary”) attempts to bring England back under the yoke of papal tyranny. During her reign, approximately 200 men and woman are burned to death at the sake. Her victims include bishops, scholars, and other Protestant leaders.
1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. French Roman Catholic soldiers begin killing Protestants in Paris on the night of August 24, 1572. The soldiers kill at least 10,000 Protestants during the first three days. At least 8000 more Protestants are killed as the slaughter spreads to the countryside.
1618 – 1648 The Thirty Years’ War. This bloody, religious war is planned, instigated, and orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit order and its agents in an attempt to exterminate all the Protestants in Europe. Many countries in central Europe lose up to half their population.
1641 – 1649 Eight years of Jesuit-instigated Roman Catholic butchery of Irish Protestants claims the lives of at least 100,000 Protestants.
1685 French Roman Catholic soldiers slaughter approximately 500,000 French Protestant Huguenots on the orders of Roman Catholic King Louis 14 of France.
Circa 1938 – 1945 Catholic dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Monsignor Tiso slaughter approximately six million Jews in Europe prior to and during World War 2.
1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi in the fascist state of Croatia butcher up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. This genocide is choreographed by two Jesuit prelates: Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric.
obama samakan kebiadaban crusade dgn teroris ISIS
ni thread BPLN atau lounge sih
norak layoutnya
norak layoutnya
Quote:Original Posted By nabi.kafir ►
ni thread BPLN atau lounge sih
norak layoutnya
boleh aja dong gan, kan fakta gak harus disampaikan dengan kaku. dijamin gak copas dan ada sumbernya gan
ni thread BPLN atau lounge sih
norak layoutnya
boleh aja dong gan, kan fakta gak harus disampaikan dengan kaku. dijamin gak copas dan ada sumbernya gan
serem juga ya gan siaga satu. Gak bisa ke mana-mana dulu. Teroris enaknya direbus aja gan!
semoga cepet ketangkep deh pelakunya..
Terong di iris?
Di atas belom ada yang sara dah bikin pembelaan. Segitu terguncyang kah cmn gara" berita ? :Recsel
Di atas belom ada yang sara dah bikin pembelaan. Segitu terguncyang kah cmn gara" berita ? :Recsel
Makin mencekam suasana saat ini..
wah bener2 dikejar nih
Mejwan di HT BPLN 
Gegara kelakuan secuil orang doang dunia jadi ribet.......
Gegara kelakuan secuil orang doang dunia jadi ribet.......
Pejwan bakal laris gan.
Guah Kira dah ketangkep maren2
Guah Kira dah ketangkep maren2
wah tetangganya yang mencekam :
semoga cepet damai dah itu eropa
semoga cepet damai dah itu eropa
Semoga cepet ketangkep
di sate aja kalo udah ketangkep ! bikin propaganda agama aja ke masyarakat.
Makin mencekam aja nih suasana dieropa, semoga cepet selesai deh ancamannya
tiru ostrali halau para imigran ... lama2 menanam bibit trroris seperti yunani yg diserbu.liat aja
Ya namanya perang ya kalo perang emg bgt kalo ga ngebom ya di bom.
jangan sampe ada teror bom di Indonesia lagi deh
Semoga cepat ditemuin pelakunya, dihukum paling maximal.
Via: Kaskus.co.id
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