kemarin malam sempat ngeliat video Jim Carey diundang dan mengisi acara di sebuah pertunjukan di salah satu cafe di amrik sono, lalu dia menyanyikan lagu i started joke yang menjadi soundtracknya suicide squad yang salah satu karakternya adalah joker, terus di situ beliau menunjukkan gaya2 kocaknya yang kalau menurut saya sih rada2 ke lucu2annya psikopat (just my opinion), terus kepikiran bagaimana kalau jim carey berperan sebagai joker, apa dia bisa memerankannya, secara dia pernah juga kan main jadi tokoh the mask yang mirip2 joker kalau mau dibikin serius (just my opinion juga), so, menurut kalian apakah pantas mr Jim Carey jadi joker di masa yang akan datang
nich videonya gan
nich foto pengandaian Jim Carey jadi joker
nich forum sono yang juga membahas pantaskan Jim Carey jadi joker
Quote:jangan terprovokasi gan,pendapatnya dari hati agan sendiri
video dari fans,gambaran kalau Jim Carey benaran jadi Joker
thread di PS community yang juga membahas Jim Carey as Joker
itu dulu gan, kalau mau ada yang nambahin silah kan
Jim Carey siap aja kalau sewaktu waktu di panggil jadi salah satu karakter di batman lagi (berharap dia beneran jadi joker)
It's no joke that Jim Carrey has a lot of respect for Christopher Nolan.
Carrey, who played the Riddler in director Joel Schumacher's 1995 film Batman Forever, told MTV News that he would say yes to appearing in the rebooted Batman franchise.
See more Batman's Onscreen Villains: 10 Greats From the Joker to Bane
"I'd love to work in the new graphic-novel versions of the movie," the Yes Man star said.
The next film featuring the Caped Crusader is 2016's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, with Ben Affleck as the Gotham City hero. Zack Snyder is directing the film, and Nolan is an executive producer.
See more Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations
As far as donning the question-mark suit again, Carrey's not so sure. "I don't know about reprising the role," he said. "I don't think Chris Nolan would go for that, but I'd love to work with him."
Carrey pointed out that he and Nolan had been working together years ago on a script for a film about Howard Hughes, which Nolan was very excited about. However, it was around the same time that Martin Scorsese's The Aviator was coming out, so the project got scrapped.
[URL="It's no joke that Jim Carrey has a lot of respect for Christopher Nolan. Carrey, who played the Riddler in director Joel Schumacher's 1995 film Batman Forever, told MTV News that he would say yes to appearing in the rebooted Batman franchise. See more Batman's Onscreen Villains: 10 Greats From the Joker to Bane "I'd love to work in the new graphic-novel versions of the movie," the Yes Man star said. The next film featuring the Caped Crusader is 2016's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, with Ben Affleck as the Gotham City hero. Zack Snyder is directing the film, and Nolan is an executive producer. See more Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations As far as donning the question-mark suit again, Carrey's not so sure. "I don't know about reprising the role," he said. "I don't think Chris Nolan would go for that, but I'd love to work with him." Carrey pointed out that he and Nolan had been working together years ago on a script for a film about Howard Hughes, which Nolan was very excited about. However, it was around the same time that Martin Scorsese's The Aviator was coming out, so the project got scrapped."]sumber[/URL]
penampakan lagi dari jim carey jika jadi joker[img]
tambahan video lagi nih
satu lagi nich kiriman dari fans
Lately I have been messing about with Adobe Photoshop (although, merely just Photoshop Elements 2.0). As I was browsing the forum today, I came across an image of Gordon Brown as the Joker. This reminded me of a past idea I’d had of Jim Carrey playing as The Joker in The Dark Knight, and inspired me to finally create the image above.
The original image itself was this:
I am still VERY new to photo manipulation, so someone with a deeper understanding of Photoshop will most likely be able to come up with something better. My image was done purely by using liquify techniques, and adjusting the hue/saturation of multiple layers.
This is by no means done disrespectfully towards the late Heath Ledger, I am sure he will do an excellent job of being The Joker in the new Batman movie. I just thought I would try this partly as an experiment (I will go on to photoshopping myself next) and as I had Jim Carrey in mind (favourably) before the role of The Joker was publicly announced for The Dark Knight.
nich videonya gan
nich foto pengandaian Jim Carey jadi joker
nich forum sono yang juga membahas pantaskan Jim Carey jadi joker
Quote:jangan terprovokasi gan,pendapatnya dari hati agan sendiri
video dari fans,gambaran kalau Jim Carey benaran jadi Joker
thread di PS community yang juga membahas Jim Carey as Joker
itu dulu gan, kalau mau ada yang nambahin silah kan
Jim Carey siap aja kalau sewaktu waktu di panggil jadi salah satu karakter di batman lagi (berharap dia beneran jadi joker)
It's no joke that Jim Carrey has a lot of respect for Christopher Nolan.
Carrey, who played the Riddler in director Joel Schumacher's 1995 film Batman Forever, told MTV News that he would say yes to appearing in the rebooted Batman franchise.
See more Batman's Onscreen Villains: 10 Greats From the Joker to Bane
"I'd love to work in the new graphic-novel versions of the movie," the Yes Man star said.
The next film featuring the Caped Crusader is 2016's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, with Ben Affleck as the Gotham City hero. Zack Snyder is directing the film, and Nolan is an executive producer.
See more Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations
As far as donning the question-mark suit again, Carrey's not so sure. "I don't know about reprising the role," he said. "I don't think Chris Nolan would go for that, but I'd love to work with him."
Carrey pointed out that he and Nolan had been working together years ago on a script for a film about Howard Hughes, which Nolan was very excited about. However, it was around the same time that Martin Scorsese's The Aviator was coming out, so the project got scrapped.
[URL="It's no joke that Jim Carrey has a lot of respect for Christopher Nolan. Carrey, who played the Riddler in director Joel Schumacher's 1995 film Batman Forever, told MTV News that he would say yes to appearing in the rebooted Batman franchise. See more Batman's Onscreen Villains: 10 Greats From the Joker to Bane "I'd love to work in the new graphic-novel versions of the movie," the Yes Man star said. The next film featuring the Caped Crusader is 2016's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, with Ben Affleck as the Gotham City hero. Zack Snyder is directing the film, and Nolan is an executive producer. See more Jim Carrey's Most Incredible Onscreen Transformations As far as donning the question-mark suit again, Carrey's not so sure. "I don't know about reprising the role," he said. "I don't think Chris Nolan would go for that, but I'd love to work with him." Carrey pointed out that he and Nolan had been working together years ago on a script for a film about Howard Hughes, which Nolan was very excited about. However, it was around the same time that Martin Scorsese's The Aviator was coming out, so the project got scrapped."]sumber[/URL]
penampakan lagi dari jim carey jika jadi joker[img]
tambahan video lagi nih
satu lagi nich kiriman dari fans
Lately I have been messing about with Adobe Photoshop (although, merely just Photoshop Elements 2.0). As I was browsing the forum today, I came across an image of Gordon Brown as the Joker. This reminded me of a past idea I’d had of Jim Carrey playing as The Joker in The Dark Knight, and inspired me to finally create the image above.
The original image itself was this:
I am still VERY new to photo manipulation, so someone with a deeper understanding of Photoshop will most likely be able to come up with something better. My image was done purely by using liquify techniques, and adjusting the hue/saturation of multiple layers.
This is by no means done disrespectfully towards the late Heath Ledger, I am sure he will do an excellent job of being The Joker in the new Batman movie. I just thought I would try this partly as an experiment (I will go on to photoshopping myself next) and as I had Jim Carrey in mind (favourably) before the role of The Joker was publicly announced for The Dark Knight.
Asal jgn bunuh diri aj nnt g masalah 😎
cocok aja sih tapi kan doi pernah juga main film batman
pengen silit rider ga boleh ts, yaudah komeng apa aja
cocok gan, udah sama gilanya
Quote:Original Posted By namima ►
Asal jgn bunuh diri aj nnt g masalah 😎
doain aja supaya dia gak bunuh diri kyak ledger, amin
Quote:Original Posted By sayaanakhilang ►
cocok aja sih tapi kan doi pernah juga main film batman
iya om dia pernah main di bf jadi mr riddle
Quote:Original Posted By townaey ►
pengen silit rider ga boleh ts, yaudah komeng apa aja
asal jangan nyampah aja om
Asal jgn bunuh diri aj nnt g masalah 😎
doain aja supaya dia gak bunuh diri kyak ledger, amin
Quote:Original Posted By sayaanakhilang ►
cocok aja sih tapi kan doi pernah juga main film batman
iya om dia pernah main di bf jadi mr riddle
Quote:Original Posted By townaey ►
pengen silit rider ga boleh ts, yaudah komeng apa aja
asal jangan nyampah aja om
joker di komik sama kartun batman lucu2 sadis, jim carey dah dpt lucunya,tinggl di buat dkit act sadisnya pasti cocok..
kalo ane sih "Yes"
kalo ane sih "Yes"
Edulu doi jd mister riddle kalau gak salah
Malah drpd B&R nya malah kerenan Riddle
Kalau saya sih yes
Malah drpd B&R nya malah kerenan Riddle
Kalau saya sih yes
Quote:Original Posted By dekuko ►
cocok gan, udah sama gilanya
rada2 psikopat kan om (menurut pendapat saya), face2nya juga sudah dapat banget tuch
Quote:Original Posted By cRot.Ex ►
joker di komik sama kartun batman lucu2 sadis, jim carey dah dpt lucunya,tinggl di buat dkit act sadisnya pasti cocok..
kalo ane sih "Yes"
the mask kalau dibuat sedikit serius lagi karakternya udah cocok tuch jadi pinang di belah kampak dengan joker,bedanya joker villain sejati kalau the mask rada2 psikopat kalau udah berubah aja
cocok gan, udah sama gilanya
rada2 psikopat kan om (menurut pendapat saya), face2nya juga sudah dapat banget tuch
Quote:Original Posted By cRot.Ex ►
joker di komik sama kartun batman lucu2 sadis, jim carey dah dpt lucunya,tinggl di buat dkit act sadisnya pasti cocok..
kalo ane sih "Yes"
the mask kalau dibuat sedikit serius lagi karakternya udah cocok tuch jadi pinang di belah kampak dengan joker,bedanya joker villain sejati kalau the mask rada2 psikopat kalau udah berubah aja
kalo menurut ane bisa aja gan , asal lebih sereman dikit mukanya, gak konyol kayak gitu, atau parodinya aja pasti keren
yg ad jokernya perasaan tp ngeri deh gan
cocok gan... cuma dia kan udah pernah jadi riddler di batman vorefer
tapi secara akting cocok banget...
tapi secara akting cocok banget...
Quote:Original Posted By gyung ►
rada2 psikopat kan om (menurut pendapat saya), face2nya juga sudah dapat banget tuch
yoi gan muka tengil om jim juga dapet dah kalo misal jadi joker
rada2 psikopat kan om (menurut pendapat saya), face2nya juga sudah dapat banget tuch
yoi gan muka tengil om jim juga dapet dah kalo misal jadi joker
kata ane sih kurang pas soalnya dulu dah jadi riddler
kita liat dulu aja nih leto jadi joker
kita liat dulu aja nih leto jadi joker
setuju gan.. pasti cocok tuh secara jim carey act out konyolnya udah God mode .. tinggal nambahin seriusnya aja.. asal stradaranya om Nolan pasti joker lebih gelap dan sadiss..
cocok aja sih menurut ane
dia mah kalo meranin macem orang 'gila' cocok banget
dia mah kalo meranin macem orang 'gila' cocok banget
Cocok aja kalo menurut ane gan pembawaannya bakalan dapet tuh
secara karakter dapet banget bro.
tapi mungkin produser pengen wajah baru untuk meranin Joker.
tapi mungkin produser pengen wajah baru untuk meranin Joker.
Quote:Original Posted By djodjo88 ►
Edulu doi jd mister riddle kalau gak salah
Malah drpd B&R nya malah kerenan Riddle
Kalau saya sih yes
iya om di batman forever bareng tommy lee jones muda
Quote:Original Posted By vice.presiden ►
kalo menurut ane bisa aja gan , asal lebih sereman dikit mukanya, gak konyol kayak gitu, atau parodinya aja pasti keren
bisa aja om kalau mau dibuat serem,om jim 2016 nanti main di true crime film
bisa aja om dibikin sereman,make up ditambah dengan pendalaman karakter,om Jim 2016 main di true crime
Quote:Original Posted By wsschanger ►
yg ad jokernya perasaan tp ngeri deh gan
bisa dibikin sereman om tenang aja,beliau juga kyaknya pengen move on tuch,kan 2016 dia main di true crime nich resensinya
Quote:Original Posted By parasyte ►
cocok gan... cuma dia kan udah pernah jadi riddler di batman vorefer
tapi secara akting cocok banget...
kan hollywood,hobi main reboot gan,siapa tahu kedepannya batman reboot lagi atau dia bisa gantiin leto di J L (berharap)
Quote:Original Posted By bpc.indo ►
kata ane sih kurang pas soalnya dulu dah jadi riddler
kita liat dulu aja nih leto jadi joker
kan udah di reboot tuch batman dan sebentar lagi ada J L apa gak bisa juga ya?
Edulu doi jd mister riddle kalau gak salah
Malah drpd B&R nya malah kerenan Riddle
Kalau saya sih yes
iya om di batman forever bareng tommy lee jones muda
Quote:Original Posted By vice.presiden ►
kalo menurut ane bisa aja gan , asal lebih sereman dikit mukanya, gak konyol kayak gitu, atau parodinya aja pasti keren
bisa aja om kalau mau dibuat serem,om jim 2016 nanti main di true crime film
bisa aja om dibikin sereman,make up ditambah dengan pendalaman karakter,om Jim 2016 main di true crime
Quote:Original Posted By wsschanger ►
yg ad jokernya perasaan tp ngeri deh gan
bisa dibikin sereman om tenang aja,beliau juga kyaknya pengen move on tuch,kan 2016 dia main di true crime nich resensinya
Quote:Original Posted By parasyte ►
cocok gan... cuma dia kan udah pernah jadi riddler di batman vorefer
tapi secara akting cocok banget...
kan hollywood,hobi main reboot gan,siapa tahu kedepannya batman reboot lagi atau dia bisa gantiin leto di J L (berharap)
Quote:Original Posted By bpc.indo ►
kata ane sih kurang pas soalnya dulu dah jadi riddler
kita liat dulu aja nih leto jadi joker
kan udah di reboot tuch batman dan sebentar lagi ada J L apa gak bisa juga ya?
Quote:Original Posted By ►
setuju gan.. pasti cocok tuh secara jim carey act out konyolnya udah God mode .. tinggal nambahin seriusnya aja.. asal stradaranya om Nolan pasti joker lebih gelap dan sadiss..
wah,kalo om nolan mah balik ke batmannya bisa2 tahun 2030 atau 2040 gan
Quote:Original Posted By rbap ►
cocok aja sih menurut ane
dia mah kalo meranin macem orang 'gila' cocok banget
memang rada2 psikopat ye om
Quote:Original Posted By faller666 ►
Cocok aja kalo menurut ane gan pembawaannya bakalan dapet tuh
sepakat berarti kita gan
Quote:Original Posted By vhesckot_1601 ►
secara karakter dapet banget bro.
tapi mungkin produser pengen wajah baru untuk meranin Joker.
belum dapat aja kali gan, mungkin sebentar lagi (berharap)
setuju gan.. pasti cocok tuh secara jim carey act out konyolnya udah God mode .. tinggal nambahin seriusnya aja.. asal stradaranya om Nolan pasti joker lebih gelap dan sadiss..
wah,kalo om nolan mah balik ke batmannya bisa2 tahun 2030 atau 2040 gan
Quote:Original Posted By rbap ►
cocok aja sih menurut ane
dia mah kalo meranin macem orang 'gila' cocok banget
memang rada2 psikopat ye om
Quote:Original Posted By faller666 ►
Cocok aja kalo menurut ane gan pembawaannya bakalan dapet tuh
sepakat berarti kita gan
Quote:Original Posted By vhesckot_1601 ►
secara karakter dapet banget bro.
tapi mungkin produser pengen wajah baru untuk meranin Joker.
belum dapat aja kali gan, mungkin sebentar lagi (berharap)
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